May 09, 2004 18:51
I just flicked through the paper today to notice yet another article the angers me to no end......and reminds me that the media do not care about informing people they only care about glorifying death and tradgedy to the fucking world.
A close friend of mine lost a friend last night in a car wreck...they were the media ofcourse have decided to turn it into a "suck shit story" as thats what their target audience will buy "teen kills innocent passenger"....sounds much more sellable to the middle age buissness person doesnt it! Lets just forget the fact that some teenagers were covered in their best friends blood after a tradgic accident trying to free him form the wreck. i can gurantee if those were 30 year olds in that car it would not be on page 12 itd be on page 3 and it would be a fucking tradgedy!"tragic loss of respectable buissnes man on trecherous roads"....THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT they choose to not disclose the facts.....only emphasise the bad sides....yes the car was speeding but fuck grandparents speed, mothers and fathers speed, shit even politicions speed and the journalists themselves...speed was not what caused the accident ...a drag race was not what caused the accident! the part the media forgot to "inform" us of was the car blew a the speed limit of 80 or 60 kilometres per hour a blow out could still make a driver lose it and crash his car!
The media does not inform us....the media sells bullshit lies to make money off the blind and ignorant it is a million dollar brainwashing franchise who promote fear and tradgedy NOT TRUTH!!
this makes me sick to my is a sad day when i could pick up a comic book and probably get the same dose of truth form it than what i get from picking up a "news"paper.
that is all.....