Writing again, but, oops, not old stories!

Jul 25, 2015 21:54

That is, people are trying to get me to post my old stories and/or get back into my older fandoms, but I seem to have fallen head-first into a new fandom's rabbit-hole.

I loved the book Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell when it came out, loved the TV series more recently, and have been writing for several weeks (a couple of short fics on the kink-meme and AO3, plus one long story which I'll post if somebody betas it or it's halfway adequate (it's had a lot of re-writing for one of my stories)). neyronrose was kind enough to say it's good despite her having almost no kinks in common with the ones I was using. Like many sensible slash-fen, she wants to write about the characters who are nice/pretty/kind/deserving. I seem to have a thing for characters who are flawed/plain/undeserving, make a show of all their worst characteristics while barely permitting their better natures to peep shyly from the undergrowth (and someone puts up with them anyway). I like characters with a slightly academic turn of mind, possibly somewhere on the autism spectrum. I also have a massive kink-button for characters who are ostensibly prim ending up dishevelled, sluttish and insatiable.

So I'll be in my bunk. With a bunch of Childermass/Norrell stories, some of which I had to write myself.

Anyone wanting to beta my longer story (and not put off by my sort of writing), give me a shout. Jules can but she's busy writing a killer-long piece of profic herself (or she can tell me if it's good enough for AO3 already? I mean, no magic disintegrating clothes etc caused by my lack of visualisation, no plotholes, etc). Incidentally, I hate criticism, but after a while I usually manage to integrate it and use it to make my work less stupid than it would otherwise be.

I await with interest anybody telling me they want to read/beta any of this stuff...

fandom, kinks, beta, writing

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