Application [open to capeandcowl]

Jun 21, 2009 00:13


NAME: Aimee
IM: PM me.
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FANDOM: Marvel 616
CHRONOLOGY: New X-Men #121 (second series), where Jean Grey and Emma Frost telepathically investigate Charles Xavier's mind.

Emma Frost grew up in the home of an upper class family in Boston, Massachusetts. She attended the Snow Valley School for Girls and was often criticized by her demanding father. Though the second of three daughters, Emma kept close to her older brother Christian who often fled to substance abuse.

When Emma's telepathic abilities developed, she used her telepathy to earn perfect grades. Although not aware of her mutant ability, her father commended her. But she still despised the man because he sent his brother, who attempted suicide, to a mental institute. At the same day, her father offered his inheritence to Emma out of the other two Frost daughters. She proudly rejected the offer and, instead, made it her own way.

Eventually, Emma Frost became the CEO of Frost International, a multi-billion dollar mechanics company that specialized in transportation. She was also Headmistress of Massachusetts Academy, a preparatory high school located in Snow Valley, Massachusetts.

As a dancer, Emma joined the Hellfire Club and quickly gained rank because of her prestigious social status. She joined ranks with Sebastian Shaw, who was a member of the Inner Circle, and the two plotted the takeover of the Hellfire Club. Together, they ran the Hellfire Club as the Black King and White Queen.

To backup the Hellfire Club's power, Emma taught a group of genetically gifted youngsters known as the Hellions. They provided back missions for the shady Hellfire Club and often engaged in battles with the X-Men's New Mutants. When the Hellions were killed by Trevor Fitzroy, a time traveling mutant, the woman was left in a state of emotional shock and pain. Although she was harsh to the trainees, she did love them and felt responsible for their deaths.

Later when Professor Xavier offered Emma another chance to teach, she became leader of Generation X, along with Banshee of the X-Men. For years, they taught the next generation of mutants, but the group hit a low when Frost International's stocks dropped. In order to fund the team, Emma sucked up her pride and asked her older sister Adrienne for assistance. Unfortunately, her older sister plotted a much greater scheme.

Adrienne placed bombs in Generation X's headquarters and killed the student Synch in the process. The students' parents immediately withdrew their children from the dangerous school, and Banshee resorted to alcohol due to depression. Again, the responsibility of the students weighed Emma down, and she was infuriated with her conniving sister. Because both Emma and Adrienne were immune to each other's powers, Emma killed her older sister by the way of a gun. She took Adrienne's money and set off for Genosha, an island haven for mutants. Consequently, Generation X was disbanded.

In Genosha, Emma taught a small telepathy class. But after a Sentinel killed all of Genoshan population, Emma survived through a secondary mutation that transformed her skin into a flexible, organic diamond.

Following the genocide, the X-Men found her buried beneath the rubble and offered her a chance to join the X-Men team. Emma taught at Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning and became close to a group of telepathic quintuplets known as the Stepford Cuckoos. Again, she taught telepathy and was very fond of the young girls.

Emma had strong feelings for the X-Men leader Cyclops, who had trouble with his wife Jean Grey. In a mission in Hong Kong, she attempted to seduce him but to no avail. Later, Emma offered Cyclops a form of sexual therapy since his marriage was in danger, and, consequently, the two developed an odd affair where they exchanged their sexual fantasies via Emma's telepathy.

Currently, Emma Frost resides in Westchester, New York, and is a full-time member of the X-Men and teacher of Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. She plans to further her relationship with Scott Summers, despite Jean's hostility, and also invest much of her time into the X-Men and her students.

Emma is known as a bitch. She knows she's a snob and knows she's absolutely beautiful. There is no need for someone tell her this.

That is not all to Emma Frost, however. Her looks are hardly a quarter of whom she truly is inside that diamond skin of hers.

Mutant rights are extremely important to Emma, and she realizes Xavier's dream of peaceful coexistence is unrealistic. Consequently, as a morally ambiguous mutant, she is unafraid to exercise her powers in controversial ways, so long as she gets there. Pragmatism is the woman's ideal philosophy, and only realistic intentions lead to success.

However, Emma does not limit her dreams because of her practicality. As a rather determined woman, she used her telepathy and sexuality to become the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. During that demanding time frame, she also ran her own company, Frost International, and a junior mutant group known as the Hellions.

Teaching is one of Emma's many passions in life. When she was a teenager, she wanted to teach but her domineering father scowled on such a mediocre aspiration. Nevertheless, she followed her “mediocre” dream and proved the man wrong. She gained her first teaching position as Headmistress of Massachusetts Academy. She, then, went on to teach Generation X and is now a full-time teacher for Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning.

Most - if not all - of Emma's relationships ended up sour in the past. Because of this, she often remains aloof and uncaring toward others. Unnecessary insults and general snark are normal in a typical conversation with her.

Emma's view on love is quite cynical. Predictable men are all over the world, and they bore her. Occasionally, these men provide entertainment if she uses them as her puppets. In fact, they are merely assets that provide temporary pleasure here and there. She learned their true intentions long ago, when she was in college. She refuses to relearn the tragedy of so-called love again.

Although Emma may seem like the perfect, hardly unaffected woman, she indeed has her weaknesses. She is prone to bouts of guilt trips and often blames herself for the deaths of her many students. But only she puts blame on herself because she gets defensive when others talk about it.

Overall, Emma is a morally complex character with a heart of diamond and a mind of ambiguity.

CLASS: Emma Frost is either heroic or villainous in her own way. She gets dibs on who she wants to be.

SUPERHERO NAME: White Queen, though Emma dropped this name long ago.

ALTER EGO: Emma Grace Frost

Emma Frost is a mutant who possesses various telepathic abilities. She can read minds and project thoughts into others. She can also project psychic force bolts that will mentally cause the victim pain.

Because of Emma's secondary mutation, she can now transform her skin and hair into a flexible, organic diamond. The diamond substance improves her physical strength and durability - in fact, she's virtually indestructible unless hit by a diamond substance. Her telepathy is disabled when active in diamond form.

I intend to put a permissions post in this journal for the rest of the players to comment on, due to the nature of Emma's powers.

(she pats off the imaginary dust on her shoulders)

I did allow Jean complete control over the operation, considering the fact that she fares so well with control and all. I, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with such matters. Professor Charles' mind will come back soon enough before his brain-dead twin sister takes it over. Good Lord, life in the X-Men is worse than the horrid soap operas my poor mother used to watch.

I now find myself in a lab that certainly doesn't feel all too cozy.

(she eyes the communicator and raises her eyebrow in curiosity)

Hello? This is Emma Frost speaking. It appears I've been misplaced.

Emma had always been an object of hostility. After all, the former White Queen of the Hellfire Club now cemented a standing in their X-Men. Granted - yes - they had a right to be suspicious of her behavior, but they talked around her, and not to her. The constant spite bothered the woman to no ends. Some days, she wanted to scream at them, especially the students who, after much chatter in the hallways, tip-toed into class every morning.

And then there was Scott, the poor soul. He looked at Emma like she was a normal human being and, quite frankly, talked to her. With his hands folded neatly behind his back, he walked into her office and looked like he needed something. Nervously, she quickly shuffled her papers into the desk and caught a brief glimpse of his rather composed mind.

She looked up at him and smiled, pleasantly. "The printer isn't my office, darling. Just what are you doing in here?"

c&c, ooc, application

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