Mar 11, 2011 07:16
[Accidental Video]
[Well, it's a video post, but the screen is covered in soil so not much can be seen.]
I told you how many times now that my stuff's not yours ta bury! I went out an' bought ya yer own stuff, so leave mine alone.
[A futile attempt at cleaning the screen actually makes it harder to see than it was, since it's all streaky now. Daxter grumbles/]
So let see what else you took...spare pants, tv remote, Eco Prisnm, Precursor teddy...wait, you took the Eco Prism?! Bad dog!
[A moment later there's a zap, a yelp from Daxter, and the sound of two things hitting the ground rather hard.'
...Ouch. You're heavy ya that?