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in_summer_leaf March 26 2012, 10:46:19 UTC
Hisoka is outside and a good way down the track that circles around towards the north end of the lake when he hears gunfire coming from the house. He whirls and starts running back up the path, but it takes him ten minutes to reach the back porch. He tears up the steps and bursts into the empty kitchen.

Oh, hell.

He has a hand on the grip of the .45 buttoned into his jacket, but it seems the gun isn't needed at this moment. He heads for the common room, but doesn't meet anybody. Maybe they all scattered as soon as the shooting started. He quickly checks the nearby hallways -- for injured persons or anybody who can tell him what's happened.

[And he meets Sam wherever Sam pleases, since I don't know exactly where the younger Winchester would be at this point.]


precognitioning March 26 2012, 14:17:31 UTC
Sam probably hasn't gotten far. Ruby is gone, but he is still riding the edge of simultaneous rage and panic and looking for Dean. There's a smear of blood on his shirt shaped roughly like a hand, but he hasn't realized it yet, mind racing and jumping and going in circles (nose full of the smell of her blood and oh god, oh god no).

Which is probably the main reason he didn't follow Ruby and shoot her a few more times.

He's probably somewhere on the first floor, pacing in long, rapid strides through the hallways, everything about his posture screaming tense and on edge though at least he put the gun away. Probably.


in_summer_leaf March 27 2012, 03:30:14 UTC
"Sam!" calls Hisoka, in a low voice. It's generally a good idea to speak softly to a person who has blood on his shirt. There's no telling how it got that way.

And in this case, it probably got that way while he was in the kitchen. It's a mess in there -- furniture banged around, blood everywhere.

And if Sam still has his gun in his hand, that would be a pretty conclusive sign.^^


precognitioning March 27 2012, 04:10:46 UTC
Sam spins around on a hairpin turn, hand jerking around to his back, though he pulls it away before actually getting out the gun again. Which is did tuck away, because - not freaking anyone else out, important. Right now. Also not looking like a nutcase, important. Generally fall into the same category.

"Hisoka," he says, tightly. "Oh. Hey. Now's not really a good time-"


in_summer_leaf March 27 2012, 04:29:28 UTC
It's too late not to look like a nutcase, Sam. XD Hisoka already thinks you are one, and so is everybody (himself not excepted) who makes killing things or people a way of life.

"I think it's a good time," says Hisoka, still quietly and with no accusation in his voice. "The kitchen's a mess. What happened?"


precognitioning March 27 2012, 04:32:44 UTC
He tries so hard! Says Sam. But yeah, too late.

Sam looks a little dazed, a little distant. And the mention of the kitchen, however, his shoulders wind up tight. "I'll take care of it," he says, "In a minute." Not really answering the question, no. We're not entirely sure he's currently firing on four full cylinders.


in_summer_leaf March 27 2012, 04:45:40 UTC
Yes, Sam tries hard. And Hisoka gives him much credit for that.

"It's not the wreckage I'm concerned with," he says, "Are you hurt? Is somebody else hurt? What happened?"


precognitioning March 27 2012, 05:04:49 UTC
Blink. Wait. What? Oh.

Sam is still trying to get his own thoughts to make sense, but he manages to grasp, finally, that Hisoka wants to know who was bleeding all over the kitchen, and it's probably okay to answer that question. "I'm fine," he says, in a dead voice that is really anything but, but, well. "Nobody's dead. Probably, anyway. Too much to hope that'd work."

There's something oddly hollow about his tone.


in_summer_leaf March 27 2012, 05:16:00 UTC
Whoa, that hollow voice. And the blank expression.

"Did you shoot somebody?" asks Hisoka. He gestures to indicate the bloody handprint on Sam's clothing. "And are you sure you're not injured yourself?"


precognitioning March 27 2012, 05:23:27 UTC
Not really in a good place right now!

Sam frowns at Hisoka, then glances down at the shirt and - oh. Oh. His eyes get momentarily kind of round, making exactly the connection that Ruby wanted him to (his brother gets an angel and of course he-) and abruptly wanting to rip the shirt off and into shreds, like that could erase the more metaphorical handprint he won't ever get out. "--yeah," he says, and his voice has gained a rough edge, "Yeah, I'm sure, and no, not somebody. Something. A - a demon."

Have to warn people. If they'll even believe it. If they'll even understand what Ruby can do.


in_summer_leaf March 27 2012, 05:45:29 UTC
"The demon in the kitchen," says Hisoka. "Dark hair, dark eyes, about my height?"


precognitioning March 28 2012, 06:54:37 UTC
So she's still standing. And managed to heal herself. Damn. When she seemed affected - damn. Sam's mouth does a funny little spasm, just for a moment, before his expression goes still, blank again. "Yeah," he says, simply. "That'd be the one. Calls herself Ruby."

Slight mouth twitch. "You could say we're acquainted."


in_summer_leaf March 29 2012, 06:55:02 UTC
"Ruby, yes." Hisoka notices the twitch. History, certainly. "I've been outside since I talked to her, and I don't know where she went. I was looking for a blood trail leading out of the kitchen, but I've lost it. Seen Dean?"

[And I have NO idea where Hisoka's conversation with Ruby fits into the timeline with Sam's and Dean's. But I guess in theory she could have come back after she was healed by Jaenelle. Oh well, there are some mysteries that mankind and womankind should not enquire into too deeply, and the time order of threads in a journal-based RPG may be one of them. @_@]


precognitioning March 30 2012, 07:28:38 UTC
"Not yet," Sam says, and then tenses, abruptly. What if Ruby runs into Dean, she might not hold back from killing him, and it's not clear how much power she has or doesn't have. Dean could be in trouble right now, she could be- and there goes the brain train again, right off the fucking tracks. "Probably healed herself," he says, voice a little shorter, and now almost trying to look down the hallway like Dean might turn up somewhere. "I should-"

[THAT IS MY OVERALL PHILOSOPHY don't think about it too hard.]


in_summer_leaf March 30 2012, 08:40:16 UTC
"I know. I'll search too, in the other direction." Although what he'd do if he found Ruby, he doesn't know. (Dean is still miffed at him for rescuing and hiding Gunji.) But it would depend on circumstances. He nods and turns to go.

[Rotfl, philosophy. And FTB after your next?]


precognitioning April 2 2012, 04:10:31 UTC
Sam hesitates a moment, his inclination to say no, back off, don't get involved, stay out of this. But Hisoka is...not quite human, and if his morals have proved somewhat questionable (see: reported Gunji incident) Sam thinks he's probably all right. At least. And it would be better than Dean finding her first.

"Right," he says. "Okay. Just...don't let her talk too much."

Fucking fuck fuck. Dean had better be in the room.

Works for me!


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