[anotp: guinevere] i long to feel some beauty in my heart

Aug 01, 2011 21:09

He thinks about Guinevere the whole day. Not just her, though - Jess and Madison and Sarah - all the other girls he's tried with before. Ruby. Meg. He probably has to include them too, much as he would rather not. All disasters, except for Sarah, maybe, and that's probably because he never got too close. Stayed at a distance. (Lucky her ( Read more... )

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[anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen August 5 2011, 05:40:25 UTC
He'll find her in her room, she's sowing something, a petticoat that got ripped by a nail sticking out. It's a quiet moment, she's humming a lai to herself - if there was someone playing the harp for her, it'd be picture perfect, but there isn't.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning August 7 2011, 05:14:17 UTC
He hesitates, shuffles a bit outside the door, and finally raises a hand to knock, all the while his brain whirring, thinking why the hell are you doing this, this is stupid, you're only going to get yourself in trouble, come on, why are you being so stupid about this, you need to be an adult and do what you know you have to...

It's not working.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen August 13 2011, 18:47:22 UTC
Guinevere opens the door, and when she sees Sam, she beams. Literally. "-- Samuel! Come in, come in!"

As if he'd just brought Christmas along with him.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning August 14 2011, 02:01:54 UTC
"Just Sam," he reminds her, and her beaming is infectious - he grins, a little shyly as usual, but it's still there. Because, well, being greeted with so much enthusiasm is assuredly nice. "Remember? --just thought I'd drop by..."


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen August 17 2011, 01:44:32 UTC
"I'm glad you did," she replies, and doesn't comment on the correction which, we fear, will always fly straight over her head. "Please, come in, come in, would you like some tea? Have a seat, I'll put the kettle on."

She's so happy that he's here!


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning August 18 2011, 05:47:21 UTC
He's going to be blushing forever now, just slightly, because - well, he didn't expect this to be so exciting. "--uh, do you want any help?" he offers, but does come in, stepping inside and closing the door behind him, giving Guinevere kind of an awkward grin. "You don't have to make me anything, or...whatever..."


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen August 21 2011, 20:44:56 UTC
"Making tea is hardly any trouble," Guinevere says, smiling a little shyly. "I am happy to have you as a guest - please - make yourself at home, it -- it's well."


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning August 24 2011, 05:55:04 UTC
"You're not busy?" he checks, just in case, but he sits down, because she has such a sweet smile and it makes him want to be nice and agreeable with her. And not argue. Too much. "I just...wanted to come by. You know. See how you were doing?"


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen August 27 2011, 18:46:45 UTC
"I'm happy to see you," and it seems it's all she can come up with, and it's the answer to everything. "It's been a gentle day - can you hear the birds singing outside?"


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning August 30 2011, 06:32:32 UTC
Sam blinks, and looks toward the windows. "I actually hadn't really..." he flushes, and doesn't really know why. "I guess I was distracted. Thinking about other stuff, or something."

He's really very embarrassed, though managing not to show most of it.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen September 4 2011, 15:24:04 UTC
Guinevere smiles a little, nods, and turns to make tea, letting silence stretch so he'll have a good listen.

There's a sparrow sitting on the branch of a nearby tree, and it's twittering happily in the warmth of this quiet afternoon.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning September 8 2011, 07:21:16 UTC
Sam just sits, then, just sits and listens, and feels himself relax. "Sounds like it's enjoying the day," he says finally, quietly.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen September 11 2011, 00:33:52 UTC
"Aye," she replies, and having prepared tea, the Queen of Camelot sets the tray before him. "Will you take aught with your tea, Samuel?"

No matter how many times he'll remind her to call him Sam, she'll always default back to his long name, she can't help it.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning September 14 2011, 05:32:25 UTC
"Sam," he insists, though he is beginning to think it really is futile. She'd probably...no, not going that direction with his thoughts, that would be...silly. "And just a little bit of sugar? I can get it, though-"

He feels weird about being served like this.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] sissy_queen September 21 2011, 15:18:30 UTC
"It's well," she replies graciously. "You are my guest, and I find honor in treating you well." Gone to the cupboard she forages a little, then looks back at him. "I'm afraid I only have honey, will that do?"

She's taken half a pause, as if taking him in, which she is. She likes looking at him.


Re: [anOTP: Sam / Guinevere] precognitioning September 24 2011, 08:06:20 UTC
He seems to notice her pause, and blushes a little, possibly because he thinks she's noticed him looking at her. And not a little admiringly. "--yeah," he says hastily. "Honey's fine. Uh - thanks. You're really - you do too much. For me."


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