1. My username is ____ because ____. 2. My journal is titled ____ because ____. 3. My subtitle is ____ because ____. 4. My friends page is called ____ because ____. 5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
All you had to say was "Emily Dickinson" and "Nobody' And I could have told you the whole poem. XD
Let's see...including the book full of sonnets in my backpack, i ahve two versions of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, a colelction of Burns (Which I don't read, but it's an antique, so I like it), A Robert Louis Stephenson collection. (Whose name I might be misspelling because my brain's dying), A Donne collection, A Wilde collection. (I have everything ever writte by Wilde, actually), a Frost colelction, SEVERAL Poe collections (since i started taking a class in him once), A Dickinson collection, Just about everything written by Plath, an Emerson collection, Dylan Thomas' collected poems, and T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land.
That's what I can remember off my head, that is. Out of the books at my bedside... I can't remember half the stuff on Potato-kun, but I have a collection there too...
English Major. enough said. These are my personal collection, mind you. The rest of the house has a pretty hefty portion of the classics, but I have msot of the poetry...
Then again, this should be fairly obvious considering my RP!Bakura wrote a sonnet once...meaning I wrote a sonnet while pretending to be an evil anime character... Aaah. I should be shot to preserve the human race... Now you know how I find poetry-headers for all my ff.net chapters...
I know that one by heart too. Which is weird with my memory. lol
XD That's a LOT. But poetry just never was my thing I guess. I like some of it. But I know nothing about differnt types of poetry or stuff about famous poets...
Let's see...including the book full of sonnets in my backpack, i ahve two versions of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, a colelction of Burns (Which I don't read, but it's an antique, so I like it), A Robert Louis Stephenson collection. (Whose name I might be misspelling because my brain's dying), A Donne collection, A Wilde collection. (I have everything ever writte by Wilde, actually), a Frost colelction, SEVERAL Poe collections (since i started taking a class in him once), A Dickinson collection, Just about everything written by Plath, an Emerson collection, Dylan Thomas' collected poems, and T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land.
That's what I can remember off my head, that is. Out of the books at my bedside... I can't remember half the stuff on Potato-kun, but I have a collection there too...
English Major. enough said. These are my personal collection, mind you. The rest of the house has a pretty hefty portion of the classics, but I have msot of the poetry...
Then again, this should be fairly obvious considering my RP!Bakura wrote a sonnet once...meaning I wrote a sonnet while pretending to be an evil anime character...
Aaah. I should be shot to preserve the human race...
Now you know how I find poetry-headers for all my ff.net chapters...
XD That's a LOT. But poetry just never was my thing I guess. I like some of it. But I know nothing about differnt types of poetry or stuff about famous poets...
Yes. Yes I do. lol
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