Note to all of you suckers colluding on the spontaneous giving up of your pasts on here--it's not going to happen with me.
I've been straight up about that from the beginning. My past of course, is all wacky fun, and has cross dressing and strippers and great inspirational anecdotes, but its just that, the past. I don't go about dredging up valuable personal information like that just to fit the mold. It crosses over into business, y'know? Grace-chan can say all she likes there, and I'm not going to blow her fun--she can do whatever she wants, and mercenize however she pleases and give out what she likes, but I'm not really going to do the same just becaue I'm also a mercenary. Things still haven't quite cooled down on some of that crap. And also, it's a great way to get yourself depressed, and you can't get boys without money if you're depressed and gloomy all the time.
Stories are fun. I can give on-the-job anecdotes like any other man. But my past in storybook form from start to finish? Not so much. If I ever owe one of you guys big time, then you can ask, but until then, I've still kinda of got to keep my mouth shut about my life up to this point. I can't do details. Nothing personal--like I said, it's a business thing. Information is my favorite sort of currency and my favorite line of work, so I've got to keep it so people can't dredge up crap on me. I'm too old for that shit, and I plan on getting older.
Non-specifics here on what life's like at the moment, though, which might do some explaining for why I don't dredge up my colorful past:
So...I'm a mercenary. A hired gun.
I live alone with a few houseplants, and a pregnant siamese named "Heartless Bitch" in one of the more sleazy areas of downtown Tokyo, Japan, and I move around a bit inter-city when things get a little hot. Can't move out of the city because a good big city is a great pace to get a large number of contacts, and some good ties all around while maintaining pretty good anonymity for yourself. I've got maybe one close tie in the whole damn city, and that's my Exorcist-Catholic-Priest apprentice. Lately he's been a drag. Hasn't come around much because he's got a boy to take care of, and a Mindbreaker for a master, and it occasionally depresses me when I want to have a boys-night-out on the town hunting baku for customers and such.
Casual bloodhsed and clubbing not being a part of most peoples' lives, (at least not together) this needs a bit of explanation:
I'm part of the Aquarian Age, which--most of you won't know--is more or less the war under the table. Going on for centuries, millennia even. Standard manga plotline and all. That's the long and short of it. Basically, you've got normal humans wandering around, doing their thing, then you've got people like me. The way to tell for the most part if you can't see auras is with a spell that any person in the age will know--a binding spell binds up normal humans, freezes them in place without awareness, but people like me? We keep moving, and can fight up pretty bad however we like and be gone when people look around and go, "was that streetlight always bent like that?" The war's going six ways at the moment, between six factions, in a pretty nasty little free-for-all, and if you're in on it, that's just that. You can't really get out because peopel will kill you just for not supporting their faction. If you're out of it, then you'll never have to worry.
Here's the thing with the factions:
You've got the Erasers, which is a fleet of angels orbiting the earth in a big sci-fi spaceship-group kind of thing. They turned tail a little while back. Most of the ones on earth are banished for some reason or another. Nobody really knew what the Hell they were down here for anyway. I have a few sources who are exiles, and they pretty much don't give any satisfactory, conclusive response that doesn't contradict the other guy's. They seem to come and go through history though, so I'm not holding my breath assuming they won't come back. Possibly the most powerful single-units in the war. They get their slang-name from being able to erase enemies in an instant, supposedly. Don't know so much about that--most of the exiles are pretty watered down, though, and they still can pretty well beat the shit out of anyone one-on-one. Erasers do their own thing, and we don't know a damn thing abotu what they want, or how their faction's structured. They just come and go and screw shit up.
Then there's the Darklore. Demons, of course. For the most part. Erasers and Darklore don't mix well for the most part--it depends on personality, though. Darklore have a lot of sub-classes because they breed like vermin in the lower regions. The higher up Darklore are probably exiled or "fallen" erasers as near as I can figure out. But you don't see many of them. There's all sorts of lore about "demon eggs" and "evil gods" and stuff, but for the most part, you just see low-level nature spirits. Some of the higher ones of those cross into the other factions. Lesser Darklore breed with just about anything, so there's a lot of variety. I've done a lot of demon-hunting in my time, so I know quite a bit about Darklore, but I'm not too uptight about them for the most part. It's just business after all. Some of them have some really weird powers. The E.G.O. bred a strain of rabbit-darklore that are basically walking dimensional holes. I deal with a lot of were-creatures, myself. Lots of variety.
You've got human factions from here on in. Or...MOSTLY human at any rate. Some of the lineages are a little muddied.
There are two factions of magicians, eastern and western.
The western group's called Wiz-Dom. I know, I know. Cheesy little name. They're actually "the Western Association of Spirit Leaders" or something like that. Really weird, mixed little group. You have pretty much witches and creepy "divine" sorts mixed together. A lot of them take on religious positions as disguises. My apprentice is a Wiz-Dom exorcist, and he takes his catholic ways pretty damn seriously, though he's one of the few that probably do. Wiz-Dom's lucky because unlike a lot of the factions, they weren't as badly hit by the inbreeding--I mean, centuries of war and a lot of inbreeding takes place to try to get the edge on the other guy. Breeding between factions is usually forbidden and all. Wiz-Dom still puts out men pretty regularly--which is a problem with some of the others--though it doesn't seem an issue for the darklore because they're like cockroaches in the lower parts, and's complicated. Wiz-Dom likes to trace their roots back into ancient times, and the middle east and such. I don't know how accurate that is. Nobody does anymore, but they're an old faction. The branch out here in Tokyo is pretty far spread. It's more of an outpost than an actual den. They're more common in the west. Really weird thing, getting heavily feministic witches to work hand-in-hand with a bunch of supposedly celibate guys. It still seems to work, though. The outpost in Tokyo has pretty good connections with freelancers like me. And they pay in favors if they need to, so I really don't know too well how they reconcile that witht eh religious bent, but there you are. They fight demons, or use weird bits of magic, though. They have a trademark ability, too--they see auras. Gives them a bit of an edge in figuring out whether or not they actually want to fight or turn tail. They have a weird little motto--Ave Verum Corpus or "hail the true body"? They seem to think their ranks should take command of the world, and decide how things fare when the supernatural hits the normal world. Good luck on that...
The Eastern magicians are the Arayashiki. Very strongly patriarchal and rigid, your average Arayashiki. They have a big thing for solidarity towards other members. There's a whole ritualistic coming of age thing with a special sort of house tattoo which only shows up when you use your powers. Wiz-Dom hates them because the Arayashiki have ties to the Darklore. They've got a leader called the Benzaiten, at the moment. An incarnate goddess, supposedly. The Wiz-Dom call her "sarasvati", though, and claim she's an evil god. Not good for peace and tranquility, that. Arayshiki believe strongly in the manipulation of the physical world, and of the body, and of the elements, and a lot of their attacks make use of this. Their trademark's a sort of clairvoyance. Some of them are seers and see the future of course, but it's more common that you end up with someone who seems to see things before they're coming. It makes it seem like they've got really quick reflexes, and they train hard in the usage of magic and martial arts mixed together, so they're tough to fight. Wiz-Dom and Arayashiki are really going at eachother as of late--especially in Tokyo, because the Arayashiki see Wiz-Dom as intruding into their territory. They don't do badly for men, but they're so rigid about ceremonies and stuff that they're having trouble getting people married off to appropriate stations before one or the other gets killed off. It's a real wrench.
There's another faction that showed up around the turn of the last century--just after World War I, as my oh-so-knowledgable apprentice would put it. The E.G.O., or "Evolutional Girls Organization" are fresher, so they don't have inbreeding problems yet, but they're pretty nasty because they think they're the next step in human evolution. They also are pretty lucky to get a male every few years without any problems, and they tend to use them like breeding studs from what I hear. They're really matriarchal. Men don't get diddly-squat in the way of rights in the E.G.O. because they're just like livestock. They don't have inbreeding problems yet, and I'm not that good with genetics, but I bet it's only a matter of time before they end up with a much bigger problem than the others what with how they're basically all inter-related at thsi point. A lot of the free psychics are shoved off from the E.G.O. because their bloodline's not pure enough, ro they have too many possible genetic troubles. E.G.O. are the ones pushing breeding alliances with the other factions at the moment, and I've heard of a few. The fact that they have mental-powers really sweetens the deal there. Your psychics, your telepaths, teleinetics, and standard illusionists are generally E.G.O.. They're also supposedly the origin of the mindbreakers, but I'll get into that later. The E.G.O. invented "the spiritual realm" as they like to say. The spiritual realm being the inside of a person's head for the most part. Memories, thoughts, feelings all seen in a tangible form. Some E.G.O. can only really live in the Spiritual Realm. Pretty creepy. There's a rumor one of the erasers came down and started up the faction, but it's still a rumor so far. E.G.O. wants to dominate the world, basically, and acheive the highest forms of human evolution at any cost. Their men are cute, though--real shame that they probably wouldn't know what to do with a guy.
The most recent faction is the Polestar Empire, but I haven't had any particular fights with them, so I can't say much. Supposedly, they're headed by the biggest, baddest mindbreaker in the area, but that's just a rumor. I know a guy who's a mercenary who claims to be Polestar, though. Blond, mindbroken guy by the name of Escort. Somebody went and stole his master, though, so he's running around looking for him. Pretty sad, really. The other factions have probably been having a slent war trying to nip this group in the bud.
Not much I can say. They haven't really done anything too spectacular yet, war-wise. Most mindbreakers that have tried to find them, don't end up with anything,'s a weird little group. I know a bit more than most, but that's because of my position, and what I am. That's valuable, though, so I can't really say anything else.
Mindbreakers don't generally belong to a faction. They popped up pretty recently, and E.G.O. likes to claim all of them are under their authortiy, but they're really not. A mindbreaker is a person who has the talent to get other people from the factions to do their bidding. That's the long and short of it. They usually have their own little private armies, and their own little private goals. Mindbreakers give me the creeps. We still don't know a great deal about how they work. Arayashiki like to say they function off "a talent", whatever that means.
My apprentice is mindbroken. Sweet, busty little schoolgirl by the name of Kirihara. Mindbreaked guys from all five major factions without even trying too hard, apparently. Had a fight with another mindbreaker, and nobody really knows quite what she did to the other mindbreaker, but nobody's heard from the group or the master since. It's kind of creepy. My apprentice thinks she hung the moon. His eraser boy, too. Nobody really quite knows what Kirihara's up to, these days. Big, strong men twice my size are afraid to speak her name in certain parts of the underground. She's the light, fluffy side of it, though. She seems to treat her boys okay. Turns my apprentice all pink and sparkly. Reminds him of his sister or something. Weirdo...
Mindbreakers can do whatever they like to people, though. I've seen some pretty twisted things done by mindbreakers, and to their own soldiers sometimes. Some of them can only get people of a certain gender, or a certain faction. Kirihara apparently can get anything--that's why she creeps people out. Five boys and a girl. And all five major factions--if she nabs a polestar, it'll probably just creep people out more. Nobody knows why there are restritcions on some people and not on others. The only blessing is that mindbreakers usually don't have any other powers, and that's a small blessing, beleive me. Mindbreakers are just another one of those weird things in the age that nobody really knows too much about yet.
There's the weirdness of the bond, too. There are all sorts of rumors and theories about the bond between the master and his first-broken soldier. It's true enough that if you kill a mindbreaker, their first soldier usually dies instantly. Creepy stuff, though, and I'm no psychic, so I can't really say anything. It's supposed to border on romance, that bond. I've heard stories every which way, of course, but the thing that motivates a mindbreaker to break their first soldier is usually pretty defining. The only problem is, only people who've experienced it seem to know. And I've never been mindbroken, nor do I plan to. I keep my nose clean to avoid getting snatched up, personally.
So that's what I live in, basically. Nice little war. I'm freelance, so I'm not a part of the factions, nor am I mindbroken. People like me jsut fall between the cracks and sell our services to whomever wants them. There's no real taboo against telling normal people. I mean, there's not much they can really do about it, and it's not normal for them to even see anything out of the ordinary happening thanks to binding spells and crap. There's a limit to how much people live outside fo the age, too. I'm pretty capable of crossing over because I'm not part of any particular faction. I still go clubbing most evenings, and check out the mercenary bars, and illegal dives. And I take on jobs to make my spare cash. Do what I need to. That's pretty much what I've always done. Can't ask for much more.
So...I can't go into my past. But that's my present. Long and short.
Any odd questions from the back of the class? I generally tell people when I can't answer stuff. Don't like to lie, either. Corrupting information's no good, you know? Can't go much into my life, yeah, but I can give a basic history lesson. And generalities. I'm okay with certain generalities. I know this shit's a bit to take in.
Anyway. All that aside, I've got Cole-kun, and a buddy of his (Kimihiro-kun, was it?) showing up at my place for a scrying party under the pretense of meeting Heartless Bitch, so I'd better get going and pick up some Takoyaki and some beer, and make sure the Little Master of the House is all set up, and knows the strangers are coming over.
And I'd better clean up the mess some. Poke's good fun and all, but his tastes are a little unsavory for common company. I don't think it'd make a good impression, either if I'm going to have boys over for non-fornicating purposes.
(((OOC: I've incorporated bits of the anime "Aquarian Age" in with the "Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion" group because they technically take place in the same universe. It's just that the characters are different. Tracer, of course, comes from Juvenile Orion. You can also probably find the "Aquarian Age" anime on youtube if you're secure enough about watching girly shoujo stuff about a boy wanting to start a band. -Skunky)))