Each person starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves. Those that are tagged need to write on their own LJ about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your entry, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
So, I was tagged by
infraredbikes 1. I am 5 foot and 4 inches tall.
2. I have been known to, on occasion, lapse into Victorian slang.
3. When speaking, I annunciate every word clearly in my British standard southern middle class accent. (Oh, bother. Quite a mouthful, isn't it?)
4. I am bollocks at maths.
5. When distressed, I like to say to whomever is in my presence " I shall henceforth proceed to roll over and die, leaving you folks to mourn my tragic demise!"
6. I like to wear my mum's clothes from the 80's.
7. My eyes are a wonky yellowish colour that Goerge Orwell rather accurately described as "Hazel inclining to green" in Keep the Aspidistra Flying.
8. I was born at 8 p.m on July 21 in the St. Joseph hospital in Bremerhaven, Bremen in Germany in 1995.
9. I would like to study medicine some day.
10. I prefer to keep my hear tied rather than loose to prevent it from paying the aforementioned eyes a few too many visits.
I shall tag my following droogs:
enael ninnuiblackbird_flyyy rosehips88 hansongirl97 malesego xraykite me_the_bee wishingcaps lucyofnarnia