Sep 01, 2004 18:16
Im not a very political person. I also very rarely watch the news but sometimes there is a national issue which catches my attention and I can not help but wonder, "Why is everybody looking at this the wrong way?". Being in musical theater, where most of my closest friends are gay couples, you can guess that the issue which is most important to me is the issue of Gay marriage.
Occasionally I have time in my busy schedule to watch television but I will admit that the news is not the first channel I turn to. Although lately, I have been glued to CNN or NBC. When I skip through stations and hear Gay marriages are banned in this state or all marriages performed in this state are no longer legal, I can not help but wonder, why? What is so wrong about Gay marriage? Why is everybody so concerned with this type of marriage? I feel like the only person who understands the huge upside to making gay marriages legal.
When I think of heterosexual marriages, I think of the American economy. The same applies to homosexual marriages. There is already so much money being circulated just because a couple is planning a marriage: Engagement parties have to be thrown, gifts have to be bought for the bride and groom, homes have to be bought and sold, honeymoons are planned, people have to be hired for the wedding reception and let us not forget to mention all the money that goes into the wedding itself! Both marriages are a plus to our society. On the other hand, homosexual marriages are denied by most states when the only difference between the two weddings is the bride and groom are both two males or two females.
I believe homosexual couples who get married would help our economy even more the heterosexual couples but there is another important plus to gay marriages: adoption. Heterosexual couple have a 99% chance of getting pregnant on their own but that is impossible for a homosexual couple, especially the male couples. Just think about all the parentless children who will be adopted if Gay marriage was legal in all states. I wish someone would sit down and make a list of the positive aspects of Gay marriage and just try to find the negative aspects other than some people in society might not be comfortable with the idea.
This issue is so important to me because of the benefit it has for so many people. Who does not want a better economy these days? Who does not want children to be adopted? I know I do, and I also want my gay friends to be happy. I want my gay friends to be able to come together in wholly matrimony like any other couple in love, in the same way a heterosexual couple would, and not have the government tell them its not okay when there is no concrete reason behind banning gays from attaining a marriage licence. After all, what is the difference between a piece of paper in the hands of a gay couple and a straight couple?