This icon tutorial was requested by
I use Paint Shop Pro to make my icons, but I believe this can be done in Photoshop too.
This is also my second icon tutorial ever so I hope it is understandable.
First resize the image and crop it to whatever you like. After that I duplicated the base. Desaturate the duplicated layer and the set it to hard light 50%.
Then I take this little thing I made and pasted it over both layers so for and set it to screen 100%. I moved it around a bit to get it where I wanted it.
Next I take a texture by
any_otherday paste it above all the layers and set it to screen 28%.
I then take another texture by
any_otherday paste it above all the layers, mirror it and set it to screen 8%.
Next I take this texture (not sure where it is from) and paste it over everything. Set it to Lighten 39%.
Make a new layer. Then take that brush in the color white and use it on the new layer. Now we have a border with round edges.
Make another new layout. Set the layer to soft light 100%. Now I take a text brush by
masquerademasks (the account seems to be suspended) and with the color white place it on the new layer. I move it around a bit so I can get it just where I want it. But the text ended up being a bit too light so I duplicate the layer and set the new one to soft light 35%.
And you are now done. I hope all that was understandable. ^_^;