The Clouds are Crying..=)..

Apr 11, 2007 11:10

HelloooW hoes :)

How is everyone doinnn'? :) I hooope absolutteeeely beauutiful. I am watching the 'Gilmore Girls' (the remotes stuck..yeshh-Huh :P)..ANNND I'm laying on the bestest BeD in the whoole widest of World!!! :P thiis beeed happens to be gummybears..:) DEPOSIT :P when he moved in, (Muwahahahaha, I juus keed :P), annnd also happens to be the bed I loossst my VIRGINITY in :P Muwahahahahahaha :) ChammpIiO00n :) Gummy bear went to gowoo visit his daddyhead sowoo I'm alllll by mysellllf wooowooo, allll by muhhself :(..Whaaat a catrastophe :(. Soo I'm juust bussy being the coolest of the cool surrounded by kit kat bars and baked cheetos..They're my only friends :( :P I wooork at three ol'clock in the mo'fuggin afternoon :( I doon't really feel like gooing buut I shall, only because i know how dramatically our store would begin falling apart with out my presence, you know? :P I'm just a little bit bummed, cuuz today is gummy's day off annd I wooould have addooored to spennnnnnd the whoooole daay with him..what an aboomination, cuuz duuuH :(...buut its okaay, I wooont DIIIE, cuuz i have wiings :) Yesterday, gummybear tricked me to going to walmart, sowoo he cooould pick out a million billion movies, annd give me his puppy eyes, soowo i would buy them for him :P...I coouldn't sayy nowoo, annnd he was only going to get twoo out of six, sowoo I told him they were part of his birthday present, annd he got sowoo jolly. I spoil him sowoo much :P..I cann't help it that i luuuuh my babEeey ohwoo yesh I duu, he makes my heart gowoo boom bOom Boom :)..I picked out a mooovie thaat had three of my favoraite movies in one!! :) It has 'kiss the girls', 'along came a spider', anand 'double jeaopardy' :)..I cann't waiit too see it :) first i wasn't going to get it cuuz i want to save money, buut then gummy got sad, cuuz i wasn't getting anythiinng sowoo ig ot It!! :) ANNND i got a buuudimous tinkerbell shirt that was only five dollUhs, annd I luuh it fooo a loong time :P Okaay yoo faces, well i think i've rambeled enouuughh, sowoo I'll gooo bye bye..buuut noo worries, cuuz I'll be back!! :) Haave a wooonderful day yooo faces!! :) Remember noot to CHOOOKE anD DiiE!! :)
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