anOther survey!!

Sep 17, 2004 01:03

all bOut mii bOiifriiend...
arent u guiiz exciited??!!?? lOl..

[name] giancarlO pallerO
[middle name] doesnt have one
[what you call him] baby, babe, mii cOokiie mOnster, mii sleepyhead, mii luv. etc..
[what he calls you] babe, baby, whiite gurl, barbiie, ...
[birthday] june 21
[real hair color] brown
[dyed hair color] hes all natural
[eye color] brown <3
[favorite band] he doesnt like bandz
[piercings] 1 ear..soO sexzii!!
[tattoos] none yet...
[favorite sport] umm...ii tiink sOccer..but nOt nO more
[favorite thing to do] goO toO da gym n be wiid me!!...hehe
[last thing he lent you] dont remember
[cutest thing he does] kiss me ! n miimiic me, n sum thiing he duz wiid hiis
[last time you hung out] sept. 11
[do you talk on the phone often] 24/7
[how long have you guys been going out] almOst 6 mOnthz
[when did you guys start going out] june 12
[have you kissed him] uh- yup
[made out with him] uh-yup
["other stuff"] uh yup
[had sex with him] fuk Off!!!!!
[is he a virgin] nope...
[if no, how many different girls has he had sex with] fuk Off!!...
[are you in love] O m q jes!!
[if yes, have you told him] yess
[if yes, what did he say back] he sed iit first..ii tOl hiim ii diid toO
[your favorite article of clothing he owns] all Of iit..he loOk sexzii wiid iit
[does he do drugs] noO..das 4 loOsers!!
[if yes, what has he done] hes koOl!
[last thing he said to you] ii lOve u baby iil ttut...bye ((On da fOne..))
[favorite thing about him] everiithiing!!!!
[does he go to your school] noO 8( !
[are you in a long distance relationship] hell naw !
[if no, would you ever consider having one with him] maybe
[if he has msn does his name say 'i love ((your name here))' or something to that effect] wut ?
[are you talking to him on some kind of messenger right now]noO but On da fOne...hehe
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