Got up and got in the showah!..Got online and Courtney made me laugh non-stop!..Made Court a livejournal..Den had my mommy take me up to Tanya*s! Den ii watched her and her sistah fight fer like a half hour!..den me and ton walked up to my dad*s to see dah wHOLE family!..Gottah go0 to0 the wedden Saturday :-\..Den we walked up Yesterdays and got sum iice cr3am!..we sat outfront and ton rap-ed sum songz fer me!!..haha den dis old ladii3 rode by ona piink biike wit a basket full of flowers and a radio! was so0o fun-e!!..hMmm..den we got in wit Vin and Niick..and rode around den went to TanyaZ!!..Hung out there den they brought me ho0me!..hada give dem *masauges* b.c they were sore (cough)*not*! haha dats bout it!..
Love Ya Niick *Muah!* <33
Daie*Ya!..Haha :)
forev3r_y0urz Courtz Livejournal!..check it o0ut!