Hi guys! This is a weird Journal entry... My friend Meredith did this freeipods.com thing, where she referred five friends, and then recieved a 30 gig ipod in the mail. No joke. I didn't believe her at first, cause it sounded kinda sketchy. But then I decided I'd give it a try. All you have to do is click on the referral link below (or else if you just go to the site regularly, it won't help anyone get a referral) and then sign up for the website (name, address, password, etc), then you choose one of the offers (I chose the realgameplayer, because it was the only free offer). You have to enter info, and give your credit card number, but fortunately, this whole system is legit, and has been featured on NBC and stuff like that, and Realplayer is definitely not a scam site. The way that freeipods makes its money is by getting people to sign up for free memberships on one of the offers, and then hoping that the person will forget to cancel within the month. It really works, and you get a free ipod in the mail! If you wanna help me out, click this link, and create an account and sign up for an offer. Then you get to start referring people to get yourself one, too!