Jun 15, 2005 21:50
I felt so out of the Star Wars loop that I decided to have a Star Wars semi-marathon. I put myself through 5 hours of agonizing torment AKA Episodes I and II. But with those out of the way, I can procede to Ep III! I don't even know what it's called. I guess I'll find out when I go. I think I have to wait for my sister to get back from Cal Poly GAG. That's my little tidbit of American info.
Well, obviously (or maybe not) I am back from my quarter in Belize. I don't really know how to describe it... I guess I had a pretty good time. I liked being there and all, and living with seven people in San Ignacio. I learned a lot, mostly about what I have to do with my life now. I don't think Archaeology is for me, anymore. At least not Maya archy. I don't really like excavating, or surveying. I did a ton of drawing, which was more fun, but still. It didn't make me happy. So, I think my English degree is going to come into play soon enough. I had many interesting adventures, and did many stupid/dangerous things (not like you'd think, just car surfing and whatnot.) I learned how to cook tortillas and black dinner and escabeche. I learned more Spanish, although Belizean "spanish" is not easy. I hung out with rastas and archaeologists and machete wielding diggers. All in all, it was a good time, but I am so very glad to be home. Man, the things you appreciate when you come back. I CAN FLUSH TOILET PAPER AGAIN! WOOHOO! I don't have to check behind the toilet every time I sit down for cockroaches. And I don't have to avoid scorpions. And I don't sweat anymore. It's very peaceful here, after all. I like to travel, and I love to visit, but I'd be perfectly happy living here.
Last weekend was my sister's graduation from the architecture program at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She graduated with honors, and is very happy to be done. There was a big party at her house, and I ate way too much food--rich, sugary, fatty, disgusting processed food. It made me unhappy. Lots of our family went, and so did two of her high school friends. I think she had a nice time!
yesterday was my birthday, and I had an absolutely lovely day. At first I was really angry, just because. But as the day went on, it got marvelous. I went out with my mom, and we ate In and Out for lunch, and we got dinner stuff for a bbq, and then I went out with my sister and then we had a dinner and it was grand. Being legal feels sorta fun. You don't have to be shifty.