Nov 02, 2005 09:34
This past year wasn't the greatest but however good things came from it no matter how bad the situation was at the time. Who knew that I was going to end up with someone who literally turned my world upside down, did me completely wrong, and end up being okay in the end. Who knew that there was going to be a hurricane that demolished our towns and communities but in the end be able to look back and smile knowing that everything happens for a reason.
For the people who lost everything, it's a dramatic end of an old life and an exciting beginning to a new. For me who knows what the hell I'm going to do.
We think back on the people that have come and gone this past year. People who have visited that we haven't seen for a year or two. People who we love and care for that have passed on and we were okay with it because we still had family and friends to rely on for moral support.
For the people serving in Iraq we appreciate it whether we support the war or not. Each and everyone one of us have or know somebody that is over there or has been over there. So whether we support or not the fact that we know have people that we know over there makes us appreciate what they are doing.
Everything happens for a reason right? I believe that is true. Look at it this way...whenever something happens don't look at how you react or feel the next day. Give it a month or two at the longest and see how you've changed just by what happened. Think about how you feel about it and if it were to happen again think about how you would react to it. Nuntheless you'd be okay with just being you even though you have all these obstacle to overcome. So, yes 2005 suck a whole lot of ass but 2006 is going to kick 10 times more just because we can look back, smile, and know that we are going to be okay in the end.