
Jan 30, 2007 18:16

Lets talk about me day, shall we.

First, the best biology joke ever: Bond, Ionic Bond: Electrons Taken not shared.

Ha ha ha ha I laughed probably alot more than was intended, but I think its hysterical. My bio prof told this to us a while ago, but I forgot, and then when I was revieing my notes today right before the midterm it gave me a good laugh.

Second: My anger at the rain

So as some of you may know, my waterproof shoes broke yesterday. Not a huge issue, becuase honestly, when does it rain here? Hardly ever, and when it does its at night. Today: pouring with rain all day long. So I wear my other shoes, which are mesh and designed to be in water, so they soak it right up and I squidge (not a word, I know, but I feel it acuratly represents the sound I was making) around all day.

Rain? you may think. Then its cold, right? WRONG!! Apparently, in San Diego it may be reaining, but its still nice and warm outside. This wouldnt have been a problem, except that nobody informed me, so I was wearing a thermal shirt, sweatshirt, and rain jacket. The problem with that arrangement was that halfway to class I was so hot I had to take my hood off, thus cooling my body down, but also letting water pour underneath my jacket. Not a very effective way of staying dry.

Basically I got thoughrouly soaked. I arrived home after class and take off my soaked jeans, only to find that since they are new and have only been washed a few times, blue dye has seeped from them and dyed my legs and my socks a frightful grey color. Lots of fun there.

Third: My Bio Midterm

Surprisinly, this was actually the high point of my day. I felt quite confident going in, and I was able t answer 80% of the questions with absolute certainty, 15% with moderate confidence, so I only guessed on 5%. Which was pretty good considering it was covering 150 pages of material, the test was 13 pages long, and one chapter we had never done any problems on (there arent any questions in the book, she creates problem sets, and she forgot to include one chapter).

So thats over, which means I have only 1 idterm left (math) and being that we have already had 4 quizzes for it, I already have a pretty good grasp of the material. An amazing ammount of stress has been lifted, which was great. The only issue is that my self-discipline seems to have gone down the drain with my stress.

So that ends my day. I have a tiny bit of homework, and then I am going to try and get some effort together and study math. I am tired!
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