Application for Siren's Pull

Apr 19, 2010 21:27

Player Information

Name: Reg
Age: 24
AIM SN: regasssa
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? I play here~

Character Information

Canon Source: Harry Potter
Canon Format: Books
Character's Name: Harry Potter
Character's Age: 17

What form will your character's NV take? A mirror, much like the one Sirius gave him in OOTP. He can also write on it to put in text, the ink disappearing as he does so. The mirror vanishes when it's not in use, as though the glass has been broken out of the ornate frame. Holograms show up on the surface, as though standing, and are reflected in the glass.

Character's Canon Abilities: Being a wizard, Harry has a number of abilities that would look weird to anyone. Most of these are related to his wand, so they'll be in the weapons subtitle. Harry is also capable of speaking to snakes, an ability called 'Parseltongue'. He's rather good at flying, but without a broom he'll be grounded, which won't please him one bit. He is capable of using wordless magic very well, and also of making potions - though he isn't brilliant at it to say the least.
Weapons: Harry carries with him a wand; specifically at this point in canon, it does not actually belong to him, but to Draco Malfoy. His own is broken, and in a tiny bag of broken things hung about his neck. Therefore it's a hawthorn wand with a core of unicorn hair; 10 inches long. A complete lexicon of spells is here.

Character History: This is the summary of the seven books at wikisummaries but I'll run over a small part of it here, summarising the summary, since all in all the books come to over a million words, and that's a whole lot of canon.

Basically, the idea is that Harry is an orphan; a very special orphan. His parents were killed when he was very little by an evil wizard named Voldemort, following a prophecy wherein Harry was decreed to be the one to bring the Dark Lord's reign to an end. To cut a long story short, or rather, to bring the end to the beginning, a failure during a procedure to make a 'Horcrux' while also killing Harry, caused by the protective power of his mother's love in her dying moments, resulted not only in Harry being made into a Horcrux (a container which holds a piece of Voldemort's soul) but also in the spell striking Voldemort instead. In effect, Harry became the golden child of the Wizarding World for having at last slain Voldemort, though Dumbledore - a close friend of the Potters (through the Order of the Phoenix, a faction resolved to fighting against Voldemort) and the headmaster of Britain's wizarding school Hogwarts - relegated him to an obscure and unknown life with his Muggle (non wizard) family; his mother's sister Petunia, her husband Vernon, and their son Dudley, the idea being that for as long as Harry stayed with them, the blood protection that his mother put on him would remain -- at least until he was eighteen.

When Harry is eleven, it is finally revealed to him that he is a Wizard when he gets his letter from Hogwarts inviting him to join classes that coming September. His aunt and uncle refuse to send him (they refuse to have a 'freak' in the family) but running away from the problem doesn't help. Finally, when they are hiding on an island lighthouse, Hagrid (a half giant who works at the school as a groundskeeper after a young Voldemort framed him for a girl's murder at the school) comes to take him to Diagon Alley, where he will remain until the day of the train journey to Hogwarts itself. During the following few weeks Harry is first introduced to Draco Malfoy in Madam Malkins - a boy who would become Harry's long term foil - and lightly settles into the wizarding world. By the time he leaves for Hogwarts with the other students, Harry knows a lot more about the world around him, has Hedwig with him, and understands how the world feels about Harry Potter. Well. Most of it. He meets his first friends, Hermione Granger (a muggleborn with an extraordinary mind) and Ron Weasley (not so bright, but dependable, with a vast family.) The two of them help Harry from year to year, along with a number of other friends, and Harry begins to treat Ron's extensive family very much like it's his own, spending holidays with them.

What follows is seven years of school - or six, technically - where Harry goes on first quite innocent adventures, which slowly over time become darker and more dangerous. In his first year, he narrowly prevents Voldemort from taking the Philosophers Stone (an alchemical legendary stone that would make him immortal), and in second year he destroys his first Horcrux, though he does not know it at the time, one which has brought a young Voldemort - as Tom Riddle - back to life as it steals away the life energy of Ginny Weasley. In the same moments he also kills a basilisk; a giant snake with the power of death in its eyes, though these were pecked out by a phoenix.

In his third year, he is confronted with the escape from prison of the 'dangerous killer Sirius Black', who turns out to have been fitted up for the crime of betraying his parents by another of his father's friends, Peter Pettigrew. Remus Lupin, a werewolf teacher at the school all year, helps in the revelation, though saving everyone involved including a hippogriff is eventually only possible by method of repeating the entire evening with the use of a Time Turner - literally a device that does just that.

In his fourth year, a wizarding tournament between three schools, the Durmstrang Institute, Beauxbatons and Hogwarts, results in Harry fighting for his life against dragons and merpeople. When things finally seem to be over, a classmate is murdered at his side, and Voldemort returns.

In his fifth year, Hogwarts is put under inquisition from the suspicious Ministry and the ruthless newspapers, while Voldemort gathers his strength and his followers and lays in wait. Harry fights back, creating 'Dumbledore's Army' (which later gets Dumbledore removed from the school) to study Defense Against the Dark Arts outside of class. The culmination of the story comes when Harry - who has been having dreams of Voldemort, though Snape's Occlumency lessons don't seem to be able to defend him from them - sees Sirius kidnapped by Voldemort, and tortured. He leads an attack into the Minstry of Magic itself, straight into a trap, which the Order of the Phoenix itself is forced to spring them from. The result twofold: First, Sirius (Harry's godather) dies, knocked through a veil by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange, secondly, Voldemort is seen by the Minister himself, who is later forced to resign for his mistake.

In his sixth year, it's undoubtable that the world is changing. Harry finds a potions book with notes scrawled in by The Half Blood Prince, but this is the least of his problems. Across Britain, Voldemort is unleashing his forces, and Harry in the meantime is introduced to Horcruxes by Dumbledore, who is pursuing these pieces of Voldemort's soul. In the meantime, Draco has been given orders to kill Dumbledore, and Snape orders to complete Draco's task if he fails. Come the end of the book, Dumbledore is dead and buried, and Harry still has the task of finding the Horcruxes ahead of him.

In the seventh year it is all out war. Harry is smuggled out of his house before he turns seventeen, flown across the country and attacked by Voldemort, and both his owl Hedwig and Mad Eye Moody - a talented if slightly bizarre Auror (Dark Wizard catcher) - are killed in the flight. They arrive at the Weasleys house through the Tonks family, and a short while later celebrate the marriage of one of Ron's older brothers, Bill. The wedding is split by the news that the Minister has been murdered, and that the Death Eaters are coming, and Ron, Hermione and Harry - regrouping - escape to London and are attacked again. Once more they flee, forced to vanish into the countryside and go from place to place to avoid being detected. Most of the time they are hungry, struggling to survive. More adventures, including robbing a bank and flying a blind dragon follow, culminating in a bloody battle at Hogwarts itself. Over a hundred people are killed in the fray, including Colin Creevey, Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin and Andromeda Tonks, amongst numerous others; though at the time I take Harry from he cannot know the list of the dead, only that he has seen Vincent Crabbe immolated in front of his very eyes, seen Fred's dead body, and now watched Snape die right in front of him. The battle is far from over.

Point in Canon: May 3rd 1998, the morning of the final battle, but very early. Just after Snape dies: 'Look at me.'

Character Personality: At this point in canon, Harry has already surpassed the turmoil of his teenaged years and - with his past experience - become quite a level headed individual. He is still more than a little reckless, certainly, but there is an element to him now, as there always has been, that is beyond his years -- something that comes from facing into the jaws of death time and time again. Undoubtedly he has a great respect for life, and for the people around him. He is incredibly modest in all things except Quidditch, and he's a very talented wizard; a fast learner, so long as the subject makes sense and the teacher isn't deliberately trying to ruin your life -- which apparently is most of them.

Harry has had to deal with real life throwing the worst possible lines at him. He's confident, speaks well, has strong leadership skills and social ability; in many ways he's a born hero. Even in his first year Harry shows off these abilities, revealing courage and determination even in the face of danger, fighting back against people many times older than him, and leading his friends through the rooms protecting the Philosopher's Stone so that he might stop Voldemort (in Quirrel's head) from taking it. In his second year he displays awesome skill and split second ability to make decisions based on what he's been told, stabbing the diary to kill Riddle's image even as he himself is dying. In his fourth year, Harry is forced to use every ounce of his skill to survive the Tasks, again displaying unending bravery and intelligence.

It is in his fifth year - one of the most tumultuous - that the real Harry begins to shine through. Despite an edge of anger creeping into everything he does, and with a good poisonous dose of teenaged hormones to distract him with the girl (and his first kiss), Harry blossoms from the strength of his friends. Despite the danger he speaks as a true leader to Dumbledore's Army, displaying a talent for teaching even those who have trouble the most complicated spells. It is because of him that his classmates learn to defend themselves; something that later becomes important during the Battle of Hogwarts, and likely saves their lives.

Harry is courageous, yes, but he is also curious and kind. There is undoubtably a deep sadness regarding his parents that though it takes a long time to really shine through, becomes a deep empathy by the time it reaches the seventh book. He feels sorry for Draco, for instance; even, later, for Snape, though in the latter case his blockheadedness regarding the man causes problems. When it comes to the man who killed Dumbledore before his very eyes, a little blanket lack of forgiveness isn't unfair, though at the end of the book Harry even offers Voldemort the chance to repent. He is capable of forgiveness even for the most grievous of crimes, making him a truly shining example of humanity.

Quick witted, slow to really anger any more, always on the ball, Harry still has some flaws -- namely, he doesn't have the slightest clue how to handle girls. For someone who's spent his life on a knife's edge, Harry is very much looking forward to it being over, one way or another. The finality doesn't even frighten him any more.

Character Plans:Harry is freshly out of school, but he doesn't really have any qualifications to get him by. He's probably due to end up getting a base level job waiting tables or hot dog vending. something mundane and Muggle. Still, he'll be almost happy doing that; having a normal life and a normal job, just for a little while. He's still only a child in a big city, though, so while he understands a lot about the world he's likely to end up whisked into bad things. I'm half tempted to have him end up on the bad side of AGI or SERO. Still, he's a heroic little thing -- so maybe he'll end up being a Greeter when he's settled in properly.

Appearance/PB: I'll be using Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, since he's the Harry everyone's most familiar with. Seen here in Deathly Hallows. Harry has striking green eyes, round glasses and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. His hair is a mess - literally untameable - and dark brown.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

Video 001

[From one darkness to another; Snape was lying there dead, and now suddenly he had found himself... Where? It looked like a baseball diamond, from what he knew about the game, after all Uncle Vernon had always insisted that the American game was just a ripoff of Proper English Cricket and wouldn't have it in his house.

From one warzone to another, though. He'd been instantly attacked by a great big snarling thing with a wriggly, tentacle mouth. Not much fun, thanks.

When the NV clicks on, it is being held against Harry's chest to protect it, clearly knocked on accidentally while he's diving to one side. There is a bright, lasting flash of white light, which reveals only that the shirt he's wearing is dark green.]


Don't seem to like the light much...

[The NV is drawn back, and reveals Harry in the thin light cast over the diamond. He blinks down, green eyes still bright in the darkness. The NV goes down on the floor, and he straightens up; clearly he hasn't worked out that it's a communications device. He takes a step back, lifting his wand up in front of him, then suddenly leaps across the NV as something flying crashes down past the screen. There's a shout - maybe of another spell - and the sounds of monster noises, and after thirty seconds more of this the NV times out.]

Third Person Sample

"Look at me."

Green eyes met the black.

And suddenly he was falling -- falling into the darkness and raising his hands out in front of his body to stop himself from simply falling into Snape's corpse. He was falling into more than that though; down into black eyes - down and down and down and down - and this had to be something to do with Voldemort. He knew they shouldn't have come out of that trapdoor, not even for Snape's memories. They'd been caught and this was all just some horrid spell. It was worse than travelling by portkey, even worse than travelling by apparition, and just like Floo travel, he found himself rolling as he hit the floor, unable to see anything for a moment as he crashed over onto his back on worn grass and dirt.

His glasses were broken - again - not that there was much to see. Walls surrounding him, with writing on them, a pool of light, but that was it, really.

Acheing, his head still thick and heavy, Harry pulled himself upright, tugging off his glasses to fix them. As he slipped them back onto his nose, something huge and ferocious leapt at him, forcing him to his feet and out of the way quickly.

Where had Voldemort got huge, drooling, tentacle mouthed monsters from, anyway? No, nevermind that--


The creature crashed to a stop without a sound, and Harry turned on the spot, alert for further attack, stepping forward to the sound of glass cracking underneath his feet. A mirror? Yes, and a very familiar mirror, except now the glass had vanished, leaving only an empty frame. Gathering up the empty frame, Harry looked once more across the field he'd found himself in, preparing himself hurriedly as another monster leapt across the wall and barreled straight for him, leaping aside at the last moment.

"Lumos!" The monster backed off, shaking its head, and Harry grinned. "Don't seem to like the light much." And then he saw it - a flash of colour in the mirror, the glass returned to the frame, and he stared down at it curiously. Well, that was pretty interesting. Still -- monsters. He could worry about the mirror later.
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