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Jul 14, 2005 01:23

well, it's 12:30 and i'm sitting here eating a spicy chicken combo. haha, it's really goood :D i just got off of work. i worked from 11 this morning until 12 tonight. so, i've had a busy day. actually it was pretty slow, but still i was at work 13 hours. i'm off tomorrow though. i'm going to get my stitches took out from having my wisdom teeth cut out. having those cut out was actually pretty awful. the surgery wasn't so bad. i talked to the man the whole time he was doing it and he actually understood what i was saying, but my numbness and the drug wore off before i got home. so i was in a lot of pain then..and then had to wait for rite-aid to fill the prescription which took forever..then i finally got a pill and it didn't help..waited an hour..mom called to see why it hadn't kicked in..they said it already should have...they told her to give me another...the pain finally went away..and then they told me to eat..i ate watermelon..then a couple of hours later when it was pill time again i threw up...and then everytime i'd wake up and sit up i'd puke..i threw up for about 2 days..they said they medicine was too strong and decided to take me off the pils and just give me tylenol, but then after that i could eat and everything was fine. my one back jaw was still bothering me a little bit, but it's stopped now. my jaws are still swelled up..everybody keeps calling me chipmunk..it isn't that bad anymore though...it was pretty awful at first. school starts soon. senior pictures are the 28th for me. it's kind of awkward..i'm a senior, woah. it seems like the other day i was in preschool getting trapped inside the telephone booth. sarah and casey came to pizza hut and asked me if i wanted to get senior shirts with them...there is a bunch of people getting the same ones so it's kind of nice instead of having a bunch of different groups and having just one big group..woah, this is long..if you've made it this far you must be really bored...but thanks :P i'm going to stop now....byeeee
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