(no subject)

Mar 17, 2005 15:53

[1] First name? kristi

[2]Middle name? ann

[3]Last name? hubbard

[4]Nicknames? kris

[5]Gender? female
[6]Birthday? TOMORROW!*&$*!$!$ MARCH 18th :DDDDDD
[7]Age? 16
[8]Sign? pisces(sp)
[9]Single? uh huh
[10]Who is the lucky someone? no one is that lucky :P
[11]Have you ever been in love? uh huh
[12]Who are your crushes? if i haven't already told you then you don't need to know.
[13]Your hair is? blondish

[14]Your eyes are? green
[15]Are you pierced? ears

[16]Any former piercings? nope
[17]Any wanted piercings? belly button

[18]Any ink? nope
[19]What ink do you want? maybe a heart or a rose or some kind of viney thing across my lower back.

[20]Are you tall? no way. 5'1
[21]Weight? 103
[22]Do you smoke? no way

[23]Do your friends? not that i know of
[24]Closest friends? Amanda, Amy, Ashleys, Kayla, Brittney, Matts, Jody
[25]Best friends? check number 24.
[26]Online best friends? Tanner
[27]Funniest friend? uhmm...Kayla probably
[28]Smartest friend? the Matts
[29]Dumbest friend? we're all dumb.
[30]Most outgoing? not sure
[31]Shyest? uhmm...i'm not sure.
[32]Favorite quote? "dance like no one is watching; love like it isn't going to hurt"

[33]Favorite number? 7
[34]Favorite food? mashed potatoes
[35]Least Favorite food? any vegetables except potatoes and cucumbers
[36]Favorite movie? buffy the vampire slayer, crazy beautiful, pearl harbor, spice world...cruel intentions, bring it on, saw...can't pick just one.

[37]Favorite song? i'm not sure
[38]Favorite color? pink, green, purple.
[39]Time of day? night
[40]Dusk or dawn? dusk

[41]Scent? ae's aura
[42]Type of music? i like al ot of things
[43]Rap or Hip hop? either
[44]Punk or metal? either
[45]Last person kissed? i kissed my mamaw on the cheek last night, haha. beat that one.
[46]Last hugged? my mamaw or mommy
[47]Last thing ate? breakfast
[48]Last person talked to online? amanda and thomas and i bawled that boy out cause he is a freaking alskdjflkasjdfklasjdf. yes.
[49]Would you trust them with your life? trust who with my life? amanda, yeah. thomas, heck no.
[50]How long was your longest relationship? if you count grade school 4 years if not then like 6 months or so.
[51]How long have you been in love? i'm not in love right now.
[52]Bath and Body or Store stuff? bath&body
[53]Sports? i was on the dance team. yes, it's a sport.
Turn ons? blonde or red hair. pretty teeth and pretty smile. :)
[57]What are you wearing? black stretchy pants and white dixie classic shirt.
[58]Do you like to shop? of course.
[59]What shampoo do you use? pantene
[60]Body wash? bath n body black coconut lime verbena or something and country apple
[61]Toothpaste? crest
[62]What lyrics describe your life right now? not sure.
[63]Do you look like anyone famous? of course not.
[64]The time is? 4:07
[65]What time did you wake up? 9:45
[66]You are listening to? iowa vs cincinnati game.
[67]You are thinking about? hoping cincinnati wins.
[68]You will get married? someday
[69]Favorite girl names? Hallie Grace, Haley Madison
[70]Favorite guy names? Jacob, Anthony
[71]Siblings? my wonderful brotherrr :D
[72]Name? Kevin

[73]Hottest person in your school? uhmm...Patrick
[74]Cell phone? uh huh
[75]Memory..Bad..? i have plenty of bad memories.
[76]Memory..Good..? i have plenty more good memories and no i'm not sharing either.
[77]Do you like soda? yupp
[78]What kind..? coke or pepsi
[79]Are you on a diet? a caffine free pop diet, lol.
[80]Your last boyfriend was...? dakota
[81]How did it end..? unexpectedly for me. but im happier now :) (i'm sticking with your answer, amanda)
[82]Do you wear jewelry? yes
[83]What do you wear? silver..i'm not much on gold
[84]Ocean or pool? ocean
[85]Favorite school subject? art
[86]Worst school subject? earth space tech.
[87]How many sleeping hours do you get? uhh..usually about 7
[88]Do you get along with your family? most of the time
[89]What is your striving job outside of school when graduating? dental assistant maybe..
[90]Do you swear a lot? only when i get really pissed off like while ago with thomas.
[91]In front of parents? yeah right.
[92]Opinion on religion? I believe in God.
[93]Since when? since forever
[94]Opinion on government? i dont know.
[95]Why? because i dont want to get into that.
[96]Where is all your time spent? at home lol
[97]Do you like where you live? yeah
[98]Where do you live? town branch
[99]Where do you want to move to? ireland
[100]Why? i've always thought it would be cool to go there
[101]Do people say you are crazy? yes

The \\
Last Cigarette: never
Last Alcoholic Drink: uhmm..back at new years
Last Car Ride: today
Last Kiss: its been a while
Last Good Cry: last night while watching pearl harbor *tear*
Last Library Book: message in a bottle
Last book bought: i have no idea
Last Book Read: some of message in a bottle
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: man of the house
Last Movie Rented: saw and pearl harbor
Last Cuss Word Uttered: probably the s word
Last Beverage Drank: caffeine free pepsi
Last Food Consumed: don't remember
Last Crush: none of your business
Last Phone Call: i don't know
Last TV Show Watched: Dawson's Creeek :D
Last Time Showered: yesterday
Last Shoes Worn: my pretty pink fuzzy house shoes
Last CD Played: hawthorne heights
Last Item Bought: well, we rented movies last night
Last Download: dont d/l
Last Annoyance: thomas
Last Disappointment: today
Last Soda Drank: caf. free pepsi
Last Thing Written: pepsi
Last Key Used: i
Last Words Spoken: "i'll go where i want to go"
Last Sleep: today
Last Ice Cream Eaten: vanilla
Last Chair Sat In: this one
Last Webpage Visited: livejournal
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