
May 24, 2005 17:12

Hey guys! oor girls.. w/e.. ladies and guys :]. I haven't updated, once again, in a while. Um.. let's see. Prom was super fun. I cried with the damn slide show :[, and 'cause Lily was fucking sobbing, and 'cause Tani said she wasn't going to Braddock but to Coral Reef :'[. Good luck to my blondie. All the girls looked beautiful, and all the guys looked handsome in their tuxedos and suits :]. This school year has gone by sooooo fast. I'm excited to go to high school you know.. but damn, it sucks to know that the people that you've been with for three years aren't gonna be there anymore. i also wonder if my teachers next year are going to be as good as the teachers i had this year. i'm gonna miss being an office aide.. lol some lady that works in the office gave me the names of her homeladies at Braddock :]. I'm gonna miss math with all of those annoying ass shitheads :[. Science with Roman's gay self... ay, Norman, i'm gonna miss him :[. Language arts.. with mrs Duque as our awesome teacher.. and eddie and katerina and all those people. Mr Quintana! he's such a good teacher man. i'm gonna miss him :/. AND MR REID! - tear - him and his bias speeches and way of thinking.. his weird self.. the way he makes fun of himself and others and doesn't take it seriously.. the way he's so fatherly towards his girls :[. i guess it's a good thing i never had a boyfriend.. Mr Reid would've probably given him a hard time. lol.. he tore bianca up for making out :].. oh man, memories. and nathalie sometimes too.. actually he gave Danny a lecture. I'm gonna miss homeroom too. Puchy being the daddy of the family and me being the big sister.. and Brittnay being the big sister that can woop someones ass.. lmao. and of course Mr Reid :[. and mafia.. and KC :[. gaaaaaaaaaaaaawd.. and the securities.. i hope i'm cool with the securities at Braddock. Anywho.. today we reviewed in math and in LA.. There's 5 days left of school :/.. two months of vacation, and then high school. Alexa's coming over tomorrow to study.. which we probably won't COMPLETELY do.. 'cause we always end up talking shit. Danny and I helped nathalie find her earring that she's had since forever.. and we looked everywhere.. literally. You can so tell we love her.. danny found the back piece and i found the earring. Finals start thursday. Wish me luck guys.. and goodluck to everyone else. Heat lost against Detroit.. we didn't play like we usually do. They're intimidating us too much, and the crowd is no help, i must say. If i was there i'd be rooting for my team :]. I broke my dad's girlfriends table :/. I was going to the little girl's room and i hit the corner of the glass with my butt. The glass of the table fell and shattered. I was speechless.. but shattering glass is kinda cool :]. It seems to me that my butt isn't very convenient sometimes... specially after i made a hole in valerie's wall :x.. few know about that.

1. tes tellement gros que tu brise les banc de parcs - you're so fat that you broke the park bench
2. tes tellement gros que quand ta sauter dans les airs tes rester coincer - you're so fat that when you jump in the air you get stuck
>>> lol David loves me :]

3. David est vraiment beau et extremement ingénieux - David's hot and smart and he pwns ;]
4. j'aimerais te prendre par derrière - i want to take you from behind .. lmao
5. Tes la plus belle au monde - you are the most prettiest girl in the world .. i know i am :] lol i keed
6. tes vraiment gentille - your really nice
7. je'taime David - i love David :]

peace and love niggy dawgs. lol.. bye. <2 to my niggy David.
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