Dec 17, 2004 23:52
yea well t0night i didnt d0 anything. me `eHn muh girl carli went t0 the mall `eHn ii g0t 2 #Sz `eHn the 0ne guy waSz really h0tt. the 0ther 0ne l0oked like he had m0ney. the 0ne guy erik waSz 17. `eHn ii was like "ey h0w 0ld are y0u." `eHn he said "18. why? h0w 0ld are y0u." s0o being the nice `lil girl ii am i say 14. `eHn he waSz like damn t0o y0ung but y0u iSz bangin. `eHn ii waSz like cumm0n itSz 0nly 4 yearSz. haha s0o he waSz like y0u g0tta man? `eHn ii said n0pe. `eHn he said damn y0u must n0t have a fucken f0ne if it aint ringin 0ff da h0ok. `eHn i just laughed. but he waSz like y0u g0tta number? `eHn i gave him the number. but muh girl carli waSz standin there. we werent even there f0r like ... 20 minuteSz. then the 0ther guy waSz high but he still said ii waSz h0tt. but yea. disz `lil b0y waSz gay `eHn i didnt like him. but the p0int iSz i g0t 2 numberSz .. `eHn 1 guy g0t mine .. haha iiM a P-I-M-P NIGHA WHA! haha ... yesterday i went t0 justinSz karate thingy. iiM in l0ve with that b0y. i swear heSz h0tt aSz shit.had examSz since wednsday. g0d i hate sch0ol. but t0m0rr0w me `eHn justin were supp0sed t0 g0 t0 the m0vieSz but the assh0le wanted t0 g0 t0 icew0rld instead. s0o we're g0ing t0 d0 s0mething t0m0rr0w i think. i aint sure yet. g0tta call him in the AM. haha but when ii wake up it will be like ...2. i have t0 g0 t0 muh b0y julian0Sz s0ccer game t0m0rr0w night `eHn ii think iiM gunna spend s0me quality time with muh d0g. lma0. yeah .. me `eHn carli had maDd fun t0night. i mean there waSz a blck and white guy. lmfao! `eHn we were walking by these gurlSz and they were talking ab0ut finger fucking us! lmao. 0mg it waSz histerical. NAHH! <- a b0y b\put hiSz hand in muh face `eHn said that s0o i was like ew m0f0. yeah itSz fun with carli. a l0t m0re happened but i d0nt wanna type. iiM g0ing t0 watch TV `eHn then g0in t0 bed. iLL type t0m0rr0w .. deffinately because ii g0t my 0wn c0mputer n0w x3 iight iiM 0ut
Lickety Lexy *