Book Survey!

Dec 08, 2008 08:29

From ranka  's blog:

Do you read a lot?
What do you think "hyperlexic" means?

What's your favorite genre?
fantasy and folklore


Do you prefer fantasy or science fiction?
I like them both, but like I just said, fantasy's my favorite

What's your favorite fantasy book/series?
Harry Potter series, Oz books, Prydain Chronicles, Enchanted Forest Chronicles, and I'm sure Young Wizards will soon follow-

Who's your favorite fantasy author?
Uh, the authors of the above listing, and I like Stephen King's fantasy too, especially The Eye of the Dragon

What's your favorite science fiction book/series?
Hmm, that's a bit tougher since it's been so long; I guess I'll say A Wrinkle in Time

Favorite sci-fi author?
Ray Bradbury, and I like some of Asimov's short stories; I haven't read much from him, though


Which do you prefer: a puzzling mystery, or a terrifying thriller?
mystery; I can't stomach thillers unless it's really tame, like Goosebumps

Do you have a favorite mystery novel?
probably The Westing Game

A favorite horror novel?


Do you read romance novels?
ugh, no

What's your favorite?
weren't you just listening?


What's your favorite children's book?
I have to choose just one?  That's like choosing just one straw in a bale of hay!  I love so many!

Is it the same book that was your favorite when you were a kid?
Probably; I love reading the same books over again

What's your favorite YA book?
I love a bunch of those too, but I think I'll say The Giver

Did you actually read it as a YA?
no, I read it a couple of years ago for a children's lit comprehensive exam

In general, do you prefer children's books over grown-up books?
yes, though I do like a lot of grown-up books too


What's your favorite classic novel?
again, I find it hard to choose just one; I guess I'll say Pride and Prejudice

What about general fiction?
wow, that's a toughie; I guess anything by Dave Barry

What classic novel do you just *not* *get*?
Oh, there are many; thank goodness for Sparks Notes (except when they're not available)

Do you have a favorite play or drama?
Just one?!  I love reading drama.  I guess I'll say The Glass Menagerie, even though I've never seen it

What do you think of Shakespeare?
he's awesome


Could you pick a favorite poem?
Again, tough to pick one; I'll say "The Wild Swans at Coole" --oh yeah!  Proverbs 31:10-31, the Virtuous Woman (it's so hard to remember that the Bible is poetry)

What about a favorite poetry collection?
um, The Complete Works of W. B. Yeats, Vol. 1: The Poems

Who's your favorite poet?
I do love Yeats, but I also like Robert Frost, George Herrick, Sylvia Plath, Shel Sylverstein, Edgar Allen Poe, and Luke Jackson was pretty good as a poet; hmm, there was a really funny poet I did a report on a couple of years ago, but I can't remember his name


Do you read comics or graphic novels?
not as much as I'd like to; they always entice

Do you have a favorite series?

A favorite book?
I liked Maus and its sequel


Do you prefer short stories (or short novels) over full-length novels?
it depends on the writer

What's your favorite short story?
"The Green Door" by O. Henry, but I love tons

Favorite short story collection?
probably not a specific one; The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury was kinda one

Do you have a favorite short story author?
O. Henry


What kind of nonfiction do you usually read?
Uh, textbooks, lately Disability Studies

Do you have a favorite nonfiction book?

Read any interesting biographies?
I used to be very interested in biographies about Annie Oakley; I haven't read any biographies lately, though

History books?
I find books about Egypt and England in the Middle Ages are good, but I'm not very interested in history


Religious texts?
The Bible; beyon that, I've read excerpts from other pieces

How about books on mythology, fairy-tales, or other cultural stories?
all of that is good; I just love them!


What's the most important element of a novel? Plot? Characterization? Style? Themes? Happy ending?
Yes.  Uh, but out of those I'd probably say plot.

What kind of plot interests you the most?
action/dialogue driven

What kind of characters usually appeal to you?
characters I can relate to, or who are mysterious or funny

What is your favorite book overall?
DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!  If I had to choose one, I guess I'll say Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

+++PASS IT ON+++

What's the last book you read?
The Heat of the Day, Handbook of Disability Studies, and Disability in Modern Children's Fiction

What are you reading now?
Understanding Disability and a bunch of articles from DSQ and all over

What are you going to read next?
probably something esle on Disability Studies, then British literature

Is there a book you would recommend to everyone on your friends list?
Stoodie by Taffeta Chime (my sister)

Tag five people to fill out this meme:
I don't have a bunch of friends on livejournal, so I guess I tag everybody.  I'll get more specific on Facebook.
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