Nov 24, 2008 23:06
I had my presentation on adaptive technology in the writing center last Wednesday. It kinda felt like last minute, but a lot of people told me I did a good job. And then today, I had an evaluation, and my supervisors told me that I took command of a difficult subject and made it understandable, which they all said was going to be great when I get into the classroom. And I saw some student evaluations from these past couple of weeks, and they were very high. The folks who commented on me had great things to say. So, I'm feeling really confident. It just amazes me because I still feel kinda substandard in a lot of this, but it sounds like I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. I just need to re-learn how to get to places on time, or earlier. It stinks that I'm so slow sometimes.
The best thing about this week is that things are finally slowing down. All I have left in the Brit lit class is to read our last book and do a final exam. I'm done with my shadowing class. I completed the annotated bibliography for my research project. All that remains is directed reading work. Actually, I'm starting to think if I keep after it, I might not need to take an incomplete. It is kinda a shame that I won't get to write on it over Thanksgiving break. I'm going to Arkansas to see my maternal grandparents, and I decided that's when I'm going to concentrate on reading The Heat of the Day, and probably that monster directed reading book that I've been working on for months now. I figured that would be easier to carry around than this mountain of papers. Well, I'll try to work on it non-stop tomorrow.
I decided what to spend my $20 gift certificate on. I bought all eight Young Wizards books. I thought it would be a good alternative to the "Twilight" series (which I'm not interested in reading), and since it has that book about the autistic character, I might be able to fit it in for my dissertation. I thought of a few other options, like an ESV study Bible and powders for my rock tumbler, but this was actually the cheapest, since most of the books only cost one cent. I still had to pay some money because of shipping, but it wasn't bad.
Heroes is just getting weird. I know a lot of people have thought so, but when they decided to make Hiro revert to a child, I thought, "What in the world?" And now they're getting into a nasty habit that Dad and I criticized in Star Trek--inconsistencies (we called them "yastis" for yet-another-star-trek-inconsistency; I'm still trying to think of something clever for Heroes). I know, eventually it's inevitable, but this is pretty bad--the whole plot is an inconsistency! The heroes had powers before the eclipse. Hiro discovered his before the eclipse happened. Isaac was worried because his powers had been working for months. Claire was on attempt number 6 before the eclipse. And of course Nathan flew out of his car before it hit. In fact, I think I remember Tim Kring say that the eclipse had nothing to do with their powers; it was just a unifying event. That's why I chose an even rarer astrological event for my fic--a rainbow around the moon (I actually saw one once). So now, the eclipse does have something to do with it. It just seems stupid. And I wonder when the eclipse is over if the powers will come back.
Last week's Fringe was good. I thought it was neat that they involved a character with savant abilities, even though they never really said it. It was neat seeing a whole new side to Dr. Bishop in the mental institution. It left a lot of unanswered questions, though. Yet as I thought about them, I thought about this moment from the episode the week before around the end. Agent Dunham was unloading all of the show's unanswered questions on Agent Broyles, and he stops her and lectures about how she's never satisfied. It just hit me that I think that speech was actually written to the viewers, so I wrote a little drabble if I was Agent Dunham responding to that speech. It hasn't gotten any reviews, but a bunch of people are reading it.
I'm gonna have to record the Monk holiday special on Friday. I always wondered what it would be like if Monk encountered a monk. Well, I guess he kinda did in the episode about the Cobra, but this is the Benedictine whatever. Oh, and I heard a shout-out to Monk on The Simpsons today that made me laugh. There was this nameless character that was reporting all these meaningless details and coming up with his own conclusion, and his co-worker says, "Ever since you started watching Monk, you keep thinking you are Monk. YOU'RE NOT MONK!" I wondered when they were going to do something like that. Now they need to do Heroes, I bet that would be funny.