Title: Chocolate Kisses
Pairing: ...
Genre: General
Rating: PG-13
Summary: She is absolutely sure that he just wants to make her life miserable.
Disclaimer: I don't own people.
Note: Kind of a spin-off to
Falling Slowly. Based on a dream I had.
Chocolate Kisses )
Well, that means I have more than a year to plan this little trip XD. Gotta practice a lot... by the way, my Japanese teacher is the most adorable MAN ever!!! XD
Yes I've started studying Japanese at University ^^ I've been going for about a month a little less I think
I've started going back to school as a lolita regularly too ^^ I feel sooo goood!
Lol you're going as a lolita? That must make people look at you but you look really pretty in lolita clothes ^^
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