Nov 19, 2007 00:30
Iffy day:
When you're out of bed by 8:30 (thanks Walter), back in bed by the time your roomate gets home from tai chi, sleeping soundly through her alarms going off later, waking up to the tiny noise of the water boiler switch after that, studying hardcore for two hours and taking a study break to go nuts remaking your bed, studying again, botching a meal credit shopping trip, studying some more, and taking a (freaking cold) midnight walk to the minimart because you just can't take that weird stain on the mirror anymore, never mind that it says Fidel across the top in dry erase marker that never quite went away but it makes you think of Cuba in the morning so really it's not too bad, but damnit that streak is annoying!
Two pages into a ten page paper and watching the last traces of my sanity taunt me from ten feet away.