This was me after reading his comments:
Seriously. I find it inherently problematic that with the discourse on rape already tending towards putting blame on the victims that this moron would "misspeak" and add another word like legitimate. As our President has so eloquently stated, "rape is rape." How can you parse out/measure a rape? Do we consider the number of thrusts, add points for virginity status, subtract them for (involuntary) orgasms? It's f*ed up on so many levels. It's terrible that after being violated in such a way that others can be so careless in their speech and essentially violate them all over again. It's bad enough that rape accusations are met with such skepticism depending on the accuser, and it's worse that men and women who have been raped often can't admit it or feel like they can talk about what happened without judgment and shame. But now too add another level of blame? Women who get pregnant as a result of rape, were what, not hating it enough? Is he dare implying that those women enjoyed it to any extent? F* a misspeak, what he said was irresponsible and has horrific implications. It also totally sells out any antichoice women who have carried through a pregnancy post-rape that may have supported him, as he's essentially delegitimized their assaults.
We know already that people suffer from very antiquated notions of thinking, and that some of these people hold positions in elected offices where their "public property" words carry weight, but really is no republican thinking before speaking these days??? I mean, shit, carry on, I wasn't voting for you anyway. I fail to see how any woman can comfortably vote Republican though after these relentless attacks on any and everything having to do with our having vaginas.