Radical Boy Portable Page 8

Apr 09, 2009 10:28

So I've finally blown some dust off my WebComicsNation page while I figure out what and how to rehab my own long-neglected site and develop just an all over eWebbersite.biz strategy. The more I do Web design as my day job, the less novelty there is for me in tinkering a site together, but at some point I need to be a grownup and do a thing not because it is fun but because it needs to be done.

This morning while I was eating oatmeal, I was singing "New Chevrolet in Flames" and imagining questions I would ask John Darnielle about craft if I ever interviewed him. I don't know how my fancy fell that way since I haven't been a Journalist in Some Years, and when I was I had severe anxiety about interviewing people (doubled when I enjoyed their work personally). So anyway my questions were all about being seen as prolific and what's his personal ratio of thrown-away to kept and does being prolific instill a sort of confidence that you can do the thing after a certain number of years? Things like that were the only things I could come up with to prepare to ask, and I got disappointed in myself, first for not preparing better questions to go in interesting directions, then for being so bad at interviews and not treating them like normal human conversations more often, and finally for boiling my whole brain up into irritation about a situation that was entirely hypothetical and that extended largely from the song that happened to be in my head when I was in the shower.

radical boy, comic

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