We're back in Valpo for the weekend, getting ready for bed, so I'll just hit some brief notes:
- The weird present-day coda on the BSG finale? Not to my taste. I've spent most of the day thinking about all the perfectly good reasons for it, and I can see them and understand them. My preference just be that it were executed differently.
- I Love You, Man. I was worried that my tolerance for Apatow-styled movies would be running thin, but it's not. I had a really good time, in large part because Sara kept nudging me to remind me of all the ways in which Paul Rudd's character was like me (I was seeing them and wincing inside, but she was nudging me because she thought it was adorable).
- Kelsy's steaks with garlic butter. The same delicious as ever.
- The first episode of Generation Kill. Exactly to my taste. It will be a while before we can see more.
- The Prologue of From Dawn to Decadence. There's like a two paragraph section that makes me feel like I was plagiarizing Barzun when I was working out stuff for Fail Faster Forever.