everyone's probably forgotten about this...

Dec 20, 2008 21:41

but how about some fic that i haven't updated in like, two months? i'm hoping to finish it over break, so fingers crossed!

Title: Smoke and Mirrors

Author: maroonjessy5

Chapter: 11/20

Pairing(s): David Cook/ Brooke White

Rating: R, for themes of kidnapping and murder

Summary: Five years after winning American Idol, David Cook is living the perfect life. All it takes is one night to send his world crashing down around him.

Chapter 10

Carly sat in her usual bar, her feet kicked up on the countertop. She sipped on a beer, staring at the empty room. Six in the evening on a Tuesday must not be a prime time for drinking.

“Miss Carly, you know I hate it when you have your little booties up on my counter.” The elderly bartender sat on a stool on the other side of the counter, pointing at her feet. Carly snorted at his comment, looking at him, then at her feet.

“And you know I hate it when you… when you tell me what you hate, Sam.” Carly replied thickly, not moving her feet. Sam just chuckled, pouring himself a drink.

They sat in silence for a while, not even noticing the door creak open. Carly finally shot a glance toward the door, seeing the last person she expected to find in this bar. Or any bar for that matter.

David Archuleta slid into the stool next to her, clearing his throat and shifting uncomfortably.

“I’ll need some ID, young man.” Sam muttered gruffly, eyeing Archuleta.

“I’m not drinking anything, thanks.” David replied, raising a brow toward the little man. Sam shrugged, pouring more whiskey into his glass and stirring it around.

“Why’re you here, Archuleta?” Carly asked slowly, tipping her beer and taking a long swig.

“Came to talk to you, obviously.” David said, still eyeing the old man.

“Don’t be a smartass. I could leave a few good bruises on you.” Carly threatened, the beer loosening her tongue more than she would have liked. David snorted, rolling his eyes.

“What, don’t you and the rest of the gang have puppies to kick?” Carly pressed on, her head bobbing as she spoke, making her feel dizzy, “You guys don’t feel like shattering the dreams of children today? Or are you too occupied right now with-“

“Shut up, Carly.” David hissed, startling her. Sam tilted his head at the exchange and turned, walking to the other side of the bar, out of earshot. Carly wasn’t sure if she was grateful for the privacy or not.

“What are you doing, Carly?” David asked quietly, folding his hands on the counter.

”What’s it look like? I’m drinking away my inhibitions so I can tell David Cook that his friends are actually a bunch of scumbag assholes and that Michael Johns is having Syesha fucking Mercado bash his fiancé upside the head with a frying pan, that’s what I’m fucking doing, David.” Carly spluttered out, her beer bottle pressed to her lips.

David cleared his throat, gnawing on his lip.

“You’re really going to tell him?” He finally replied, turning to look at Carly. She leaned toward him, clearly invading his personal space. David grimaced, but didn’t move.

“Yeah, Dave. I’m gonna tell him.” Carly said quietly, her words crystal clear in spite of the alcohol she had been downing for the last hour and a half. Terror flashed across David’s face, his cheeks turning a deep scarlet. Carly frowned, realizing that she may have just made David Archuleta shit his pants. She pursed her lips in frustration, rethinking her statement.

“Dave. I didn’t want you to have any part of this. I didn’t want you to even know about it. I’m not - I won’t tell him that you had anything to do with it.” Carly said slowly, looking at David.

He swallowed hard, staring at the muted TV across the bar.

“The police will never even know you were in town.” David’s attention snapped away from the TV, his eyes locking with hers.

“So you’re going to turn all of them in?” David whispered after a moment.

“And myself. I’m no saint for turning them in. I still agreed to it.” Carly replied slowly, frowning at her warm beer but taking another sip anyway.

“Why did you agree to it?” David asked, frowning at the beer as well, his nose wrinkling.

Carly snorted, waving her beer at him when she noticed his expression. “Why did I agree? Are you dense, Archuleta?”

David groaned, crossing his arms, “My apologies for not catching up on your life story from the past four years. I didn’t subscribe to the Carly Sm-“ David caught himself, frowning, “I mean the Carly Hennessy Newsletter.”

“Very funny. You’ve been talking to Cook too much. He’s made you snarky. Good Lord, you’re snarky.” Carly muttered, slamming the bottle down on the counter, causing David to jump and stirring Sam out of his reverie.

David turned and looked at her, bobbing his head expectantly. Carly sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to drop it this easily.

“I agreed because of fucking Michael Johns.” Carly said icily, staring down at the countertop. David sighed, leaning forward to duck his head next to hers.

“You’ve been with him all this time?” David whispered, tilting his head.

“Sort of. It’s complicated, David.”

“Yeah, I’d say. Not only was it adulterous, but now you’re accomplices in a crime. That’s a fantastic story for the tabloids and Court TV.” David muttered.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re telling me things I already know.” Carly sighed, her forehead now resting on the countertop.

“So why’d you walk out on him, if you care about him so much? If you would go to such lengths to be with him?” David questioned, folding his arms and resting his chin on them.

“Why’d I walk out on him? Because he was never mine, Dave.” Carly replied simply, straightening up. She slid off the stool, grabbing her purse from the counter.

David hopped off the stool, following close behind. “Don’t just leave me hanging, Carls.”

Carly whirled around, her expression pained. “I have to - I need to save Brooke. This isn’t important. I’ll tell you when you come visit me, after all of this is over. Promise.”

David sighed, nodding in agreement. Carly ruffled a hand through his hair, turning to leave.

A cell phone ringer pierced the room, causing both of them to jump.

”Fuck.” Carly hissed, digging in her purse to pull out the offending object. She stared at the screen, her eyes wide. “It’s Michael. Fuck. Put your eyes back in your head David, Jesus.”

Carly flipped open the phone, pressing it to her ear. “Hello?”

She frowned, rolling her eyes as she listened. Michael’s voice spluttered from the phone, anger evident in his tone. “I don’t know where David Archuleta is. Why would I know? I’m not involved in this little charade anymore. Don’t fucking call me, Michael.” Carly hung up the phone, her hands shaking. She looked up at David, her eyes holding a mix of anxiety and fear.

“Don’t go back to the warehouse, David. Go home. It’s not… it’s not safe for you here.” Carly whispered, grasping his shoulder.

“What? What’s going on?” David pressed, his voice frantic.

”I don’t think Michael is in the right state of mind. He thinks you’ve walked out of the operation too. Just… just get out of here. Things are going to get really hairy, really quickly.” Carly explained, gripping his shoulder tighter and directing him toward the door. She dug through her purse again, sliding Sam a few bills to cover the beers and followed David out.

David put on his sunglasses, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

“I guess this is it, then.” He looked up at the sky and back at Carly. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and lighting it.

“For now, little guy.” Carly turned, heading in the direction of Cook’s development.

“Be careful, Carly!” David called, his voice cracking. Carly lifted a hand into the air, giving a quick wave. David turned and pulled out his cell phone. He hesitated for a moment, finally dialing a number.

Carly was right, things were about get a lot, lot worse.

writing: fic, i like to write sometimes

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