Apr 07, 2007 19:15
So, I have survived the first week of classes. Thank goddess. I am teaching the same course that I taught in winter, fall, summer, and spring quarters. *headdesk* I love being Assistant Director. During fall and winter I was in the same damn room which makes for some slightly confusion when I'm teaching. :P BUt not this quarter. *rolls eyes* This time I'm teaching an English writing course... in a chemistry lab. WTF?
Yes, there are bunsen burners. I'll try to quell my pyromania.
In other news, did you know it's possible to damage your spinal cord just from stress?
Such things I learn.
The back of my neck was killing me on Wednesday and Thursday. It felt stiff and swollen and hot. I couldn't move it that well but it didn't hurt more by stretching it and i thought maybe if I could just pop it somehow it would help. So I went to my parents friend who is a phsycial therapist and chiropractor to see if he could.
Turns out it was actually not my joints or ligaments. It was the spinal dura, the casing around the spinal cord, which was tight and siezed up. Apparently it had about half the stretch it should. So he worked over my neck and back and shoulders and god it hurt, but I could move it more afterwards. And he showed me what sort of stretches and motions I need to do to keep working on it. That and go for some long walks to "blow off steam".
Anyone want to go for a walk?
I'm planning my July trip to Britain. Who is going to Sectus? I shall be there, but also planning to bounce around Britain, and spend at least a week in Edinburgh. God, I'm homesick. *cries*
Also, SpringSmut reveal has happened and I'll post links tomorrow probably. I wrote genital piercing and femslash*. Not together.
Pity though, the person the femslash was written for never commented. *sighs*
I know, I know. Most people say femmeslash. But femme is an role, a type; so femmeslash should logically be femme/femme. So, I'm sticking with femslash as a means identifying slash that is two females as opposed to just two femmes. Me and my damn logic, huh? :P