Thought it would be a nice opener.
So, obviously I am alive at the moment. Will try to be here more. Life fell to utter hell and I'm still struggling to work through it. As a result I wrote nothing for 5 weeks. 6 weeks? Something like that
Until this week when I completed one fic and started another. Of course it's giving me problems... So I need opinions here!
When dealing with a potential squick in a fic, do you warn even if that warning would ruin the fic?
I have one that flickered on here breifly this evening until I caused
wildesidewalker's brain to go cry in a corner. So now I've removed it until the aforementioned issue is sorted. Help?
Also as an attempt to get me back onto my journal, I'm tossing out a meme because
wildestranger did it... and I'm guessing so did a bunch of other people.
You post a topic, list, category, whatever, in my comments section. (examples: "5 Sexiest Things About Ron Weasley" or "Top 5 things to drink"). Then, in a separate post, I'll post the answers to all your Top 5 ideas, according to me. Then you post this offer in your own journal.