Sep 23, 2005 10:57
I'm so nervous cuz I didn't get the chance to talk with Ramses yersterday like I said I would. I need to talk with him soon, though, cuz if not things will get worse and if things get worse I may lose my oportunity to be his g/f. He better be worrth all the trouble I am going through. I've been through hell lately thinking about the possibilities that he may just be give up. Thats what guuys are good at anyways. I know from experience. Anyways, I just hope that God really hepls me confront this problem and that Ramses and I can be together in the end. I really like him and we have so much in common. We'd get along so well. Well, I'll just keep dreaming until the moment comes in which the dream will die or live on to become a reality either way, I have faith that I will be happy....