Dec 17, 2004 14:50
So, Today Sucked... Horribly.
Getting Yelled At, By Parents, Teachers, Whoever, Why? Cause they felt like yelling at anyone who crossed their path...
So I was promised we'd get a movie tonight and go get some dinner... BUT NO. My moms fucking car is a bitch, and she never got it fixed in the first place. So now its w/e is left in the kitchen and no movie. Just sitting here...
I am worried... Its not to much to worry right now, being as the show was near forest lawn, yeah. And she said that she'd call me sometime during the show, so i could know she was ok.. She hasn't called yet. Even though were not offcially together, I still worry. I hope shes ok.. I trust her she wouldn't do anything against her sXe belifes, Its the others i don't trust. :S well not all of them, theirs people I trust (her friends for example, wouldn't try anything) . I wonder if she's keeping to what she said when she said that she would not be in the path of smoke from anything, if u can smell it than its going into you. I trust her, so i figure she's keeping her promise... :) She's not like this one kid i used to know, James, he was all "I don't do drugs" but he would be near people getting high and he'd breath in the smoke in the air, and get high, but than say everytime "it was an accident" when he knew that it wasn't, and even the times it was wern't an escuse (true story), I let the whole casualties show thing go, cause she dind't know that the smoke could do that to you, and for all she knows it could have just been her excitment of her first show... we'll never know, but lets not find out! :P. But Kat wouldn't do that, thats what makes her even cool than she already is *coughs up hairball* I hope i don't get sick today... I WANT TO SEE HER.... I hope she doesn't take this post in a bad way... i'm just ranting on things and such. Board so I am just thinking of good things about her.. I'd love to post em, but other than this I don't want to post compliments... yet, and when i do i need to tone em down :)
Teenagers and "experimenting"... Its dumb, "lets experiment on things that can harm us" DUMB FUCKS. I mean i know people have experienced drinking, but if they don't anymore than YAY, but when you continue or do drugs even once on purpose, than its just dumb especially if they continue... OR SEX... people who have to get laid like 2 or more times a week or they "fuck and chuck" THATS FUCKING STUPID. Sex should be out of love, and someitme out of horniness, but you should be dating em, not just one night standin' em.
I wonder what it would be like to be made of hair.
I want me and kat to get back together, I have hopes, but I don't want to be brought down. Its not my choice though. We can be like how we used to be. Just like the `taking back sunday` lyrics say "You and I are a dying breed" and its true... how often do you find 2 straight edge kids who can have fun, cuddle, cry with each other and love each other as well as we did? Not very often.
So I want us to be like that again, I hope i get the chance... We can show them all we are more original than they'll ever be. :) :P
Playing guitar for an hour without a pick, while doing chords and power chords, hurts your fingers.
So yeah, i think, no I know, me and kat could go back to normal, and as time and things happen, showly build up to the whole serious realtionship thing... if she wants to in time :). Like if we were to do it, yes it would bring us closer, but it wouldn't make our realationship serious cause we can't let it, not for a while. Maybe if were together for another year, cause than it would be that year and the memories of the other nine months, than we can you know, step it up if she wants to...
So theirs some hot guys at my school... I wanna bring kat and show her.
I have a plan for x-mas day if i am with kat. It reminds me of this plan i thought of today.
She's Pretty - Ok I said it. I had to.
I'm guessing if she reads this she won't make it to this point.. she'll either not read it cause its long, and its probably late (not calling her lazy, she's just probably tired), or she got mad at one of my comments, which I didn't do anything wrong in so i am guessing that shes reading this.. or theirs no point to me writing it... :P. These are directed towards myslef, ubt if she reads em, she reads em :)
"I got a duck, and i painted it blue, cause i always wanted to see a blue duck" ... ... ... "thats a nice duck billie"
So me and bray-bray's present for kat is a super cool thing we made out of clay and I painted it today! fucking people broke part of it, but i mended it and you can't tell! :D:D:D So, i wrote a guitar song, which i will probably just break apart into other songs... should have the lyrics put to it in by the end of the weekend, i hope.
I hope she doesn't forget about me and her's meeting tomorrow and got to her friends house for the night.. cause we need to talk tonight to get meeting stuff figured out. But she woudln't forget :P she has a good memory for things like this, but when it come to what she was thinking when u ask her at a random point... HEH! :P it gets confusing, but at the same time can make me laugh.. I love how she can make me laugh.. :)
So i have other presents for her, if we get back together I will buy them.
"I'm hungry" .. .. "OK..." .. .. "Lets eat that fetus in your belly" .. .. "OK..."
So I wonder if kats dad would actually feed her to a vampire, I would come throught the window, try to save her but hit my head, pass out, bleed, and than the vampire would lick it up, and than he would leave, and than when I awake and get stiches i'll find out i saved the day!
Umm... it would seem like I am in a good mood.... eeegh.... not really, a lil, butnot really, i am just being random.
I want her back tomorrow scares me, I have hopes, but you can never know for sure, hopefully our love can pull through...
Everyone tells me it'll be a good day. I'd love to know for sure, but I can't. Here's Hoping...
Dinner Time... even thought its 9:30...
*is eating dinner*
I hope that none of this made her mad at me... I hope i didn't do anything wrong.. I just randomly posted things on my mind. NONE OF THEM WERE BAD :) THEY WERE RANDOM OR ABOUT HOW SMART OR GOOD SHE IS. i am happy right now.. cause i am thinking of saturday being good...
My next post will be tomorrow.
I with all the stuff i posted about how things i said wern't bad i must sound like i am tyring to look for points... (so does this) BUT I AM NOT... I just wanna make sure she knows nothing was meant throught them, if she got a wrong idea she can talk to me about and I will explain every single thing she wants me to explain.
I feel sick cause Number 1: I just 500ml of water, and #2 because tomorrows saterday.
Good Bye, Myself, until you think again... I realize i don't only talk to much when i get board I can TYPE to much as well :P lol HAHA kat :D. Talk to yall later now!