It's been a while since we all played games together! Simon had given me a lot of nice sports equipment for Christmas so I want to use it with everyone!
Would anyone like to play soccer? We'd need a few people for the teams but it could be a lot of fun nano desu!
Since it's a games club activity to the losing team gets their faces drawn on by the winners as the penalty game. I have the marker nano desu~!
We could play tomorrow or Sunday!
OoC Games Club Stuff
Basically if your character replies saying they want to play I'll consider them as playing. Logging these things is hard so we'll probably just skip that... ^^; Tomorrow or Sunday I'll post a "results" entry with Rika stating what the teams were and then roll a dice to determine the winner/loser. Players can then comment to that entry and have their faces "drawn on" and stuff. I'll make another note on the result entry but the marker should stay on the losers' faces for a day.
Cheating is A-okay, as long as you're not caught. If your character is the type to cheat or has a special talent that'll help them win mention that OoCly in a comment and I'll adjust dice rolling accordingly. If you see someone say their character is cheating then you may reply to their comment if your character would stop them. Characters that cheat get an automatic penalty game.
That's pretty much it.
Team 1: Rika
Team 2:
---IC starts again here
[filtered to Ed]
I met your brother nano desu~! We played Old Maid! Sometime we should all play Old Maid together! And Winry too!
[filtered to Fiona]
How are you settling in? You should come play games with us! Or come visit Paw! I think he really liked you nano desu!