app for endlessprom

May 14, 2011 22:09

NAME: Christina
JOURNAL: Lollobrigida
CONTACT: | AIM: onlysayinghello | plurk: lollobrigida
Jo Harvelle - SPN
Oliver Queen - Smallville

CHARACTER NAME: Castiel “Cas” Andrews
FANDOM: Supernatural
GRADE: Ex-Senior - he’s a drop-out age 20
MOST LIKELY TO: make a random historical biblical reference
YEARBOOK QUOTE: "That's just how I roll."

Castiel once upon a time was an angel. Stoic and true to the cause he so firmly believed in, he risked nearly everything to put his protection and ‘guidance’ onto the Winchester boys to lead them through the trials that would bring forth the apocalypse. He took on a vessel and tried to adapt, albeit very poorly, to humans and their constant need for social interaction. He saw his role on Earth, and in this war, as a weapon from Heaven sent down to deal with things swiftly to ensure that the right path would be taken. He was blunt and didn’t allow for compassion or any true passion to lead his choices. He did what he had to do and with swiftness. He was often misunderstood for being so literal and believed that showing emotions would show a weakness, something that could be manipulated.

As time progressed, his experiences with the humans, with the Winchester brothers in particular, showed him the lives that the humans were living, the things that they valued. He saw what it was he was fighting for and that view of what life could be and how it could feel to make your own choice turned his own personality toward helping their cause rather than Heaven’s cause. As time progressed and the path he was certain was the wrong one was being followed, he slowly lost faith in his own purpose. He watched as Sam and Dean went separate ways. He watched as Sam agreed to allow Lucifer into him. He watched as Lucifer destroyed the Earth and how people were turning against each other and how violence and death swarmed in the streets.

The angels that had fought by his side, staying on Earth, left unsure of how they could have ever fought to try and protect this place. Castiel gave up everything for the brothers and was repaid with humanity. His grace diminished with the angels leaving and by staying behind, by choosing the Winchesters over his own family he was no longer a part of his own garrison. A fallen angel, having given up everything to save brothers that couldn’t even stay together.

As a human Castiel gave into every sin that he could possibly delve into. He relished in human contact, in the pleasures of the skin and body. He wanted to forget the pain that he had endured, both physical and mental, so he turned to recreational drugs. He is looser, more relaxed in the company of whoever is around him. He’s freer with his body. No longer someone who can simply appear in a room, he’s become very aware of his body and his personal space. He lives to live, because simply put: That’s the only thing he has going for him now.

The Croatoan virus is rampant, people who are alive are constantly fighting against demons or worse, and so why not just allow himself these moments to enjoy whatever he can. He no longer has any faith to put into anyone else, so he instead spends his time forgetting what it was like before. He jokes and makes uncomfortable references, usually to sex or drug-use. He’s charming in his aloofness, finally having the attitude of not caring which opens him up to experiencing as much as he can. Because he’s so open, he tries to get others to join him in his way of thinking, trying to ensure that they embrace their final days as well. He’s a pessimist that has an open mind, which is probably the most dangerous thing someone can have in a post-apocalyptic world. He believes that nothing will get better so why not drown yourself in sin while you have the chance.


I’ll explain this in his AU history, but there is no war. There is no actual reason for him to be in this place/time, so he’s not as angry at the choices that the humans made. He’s more curious about them, because he hasn’t seen destruction and agony. He hasn’t seen two brothers choose different paths or how it changes the whole world. Basically, even though he’s completely lost without his purpose, he’s still trying to enjoy the world since it’s not going to Hell in a handbasket. He’s still heavy into drinking, drugs and sex, but for completely different reasons. It’s more for the enjoyment of it - rather than the ‘might as well’ of it. So.. more positive attitude!


Time travel is a loop. Events that happen always will happen. The future is fine... or whatever world Castiel is from is fine. This is a fringe event so to speak, if anyone actually asked Cas. Also, I'll tell you that it was extremely hard to figure out how to get him into a young enough vessel, but then to realize that when his grace ran out the kid needed to be already dead... that was way too sad, since I knew ANGEL Castiel wouldn't have gone to the effort of finding some terminal kid. Basically he's spending ages 13-20 on Earth and the last 5 are without grace and pretty much as a human.


Castiel was sent from Heaven to save one Dean Winchester from Hell. He was to grip him tight and raise him from perdition. He moved with such speed and determination, but when he arrived things were not as he had expected them to be. His vessel was no longer Jimmy Novak and Dean wasn’t actually in Hell. (Technically, High School could be seen as Hell, but it wasn’t the same.)

Confused and unsure, Castiel tried to return his grace to the Heavens, to ensure that his path was corrected and that he could save Dean. However, with no war and no reason for the angels to be on Earth in full force, he lacked the power to return to the Heavens. He knew Dean was here though, he had been tasked with his protection, so he was able to find him easily. However, he did not find the hunter in his thirties, he found a teenager and one that seemed to lack the drive he had been told would help save the world from utter desolation. It was at that point when he realized how wrong things had gone with his arrival to Earth. He tried to find guidance, to find solace through his prayers, but they remained unanswered.

Convinced that this was a test, he sought out a vessel. Knowing he needed someone close to Dean’s age, Castiel found someone suitable. He ensured that it was a vessel prepared within the bloodline that was deemed as his and that it was someone he could test their faith. The boy lived with only his mother and Castiel, through his words and tests, had given him hope that he would be a larger part of something. That his life would not be for nothing. As his vessel he would be of import to the world. Castiel truly believed this. Which is why when this boy of only 13 said yes, Castiel did not hesitate to take him over.

Unsure how long he would be waiting for the angels to notice his error and retrieve him from the past, he began to watch with idle curiosity the lives of these humans. He bounced from town to town, just as the Winchesters did. He allowed his vessel to age. It allowed him to remain in the vessel he chose, and keep with the Winchesters regardless of how long it took. It also helped maintain the illusion that he was just another homeless teen runaway, despite Castiel still believing one day he'd return Home. Eventually, he needed to start traveling the same way they did, since traveling freely by using his grace would eventually burn it up completely.

There was an incident, while he was attempting to get a ride to the next town where Castiel was shot. Faced with the choice of using his grace to try and save his vessel or to simply allow it to die and for him to move to a new one, he felt some sort of debt to the child. After living with the humans for so long he could see what it was that he had given up at such a young age. Castiel used what was left of his grace to try and heal his soul, but it was too late and the only entity left within his vessel was his own grace and the humanity that remained.

With his grace completely diminished, he was losing hope that anyone would ever return for him. He knew the war was still years away and even now he was unsure how a brother that was so protective of his younger sibling could allow such a fate to transpire. Near the end of his third year trapped on Earth he prayed for a sign, prayed for a reason to trust that he had been sent to Earth, to this point in time, for a reason.

No-one replied.

Feeling the weight of three years of doubt on him and having no faith left in himself or his purpose, he found himself wandering a city at night, trying to find some small purpose for him being there. He felt isolated and a mix of other emotions he hadn't yet been able to resolve. There was no longer that warmth from his grace to keep him hoping for something better to result. He was simply alone. Feeling that he could no longer provide protection to Dean, he gave up on traveling in tandem with the Winchesters. Graceless and without purpose he was stuck, with a physical age of 16, in a suburb of Chicago. He stayed out of the way of most of the authorities, having learned how to blend in with large crowds and avoid most social occasions.

For a while he simply observed and tried to understand the differences between the angel that he was, the power he could have held onto, and the human he had fallen to. It was in those differences that he started to try and experience just what it was about his humanity that made him okay with it, since he assumed he was now trapped. He wanted to know the peaks and valleys of the human existence, the good things he had been fighting for along with the bad. It was easy to find ways of creating these moments artificially, through drugs and other recreational habits. It was also very dangerous for him, but without that guidance from someone else, he simply didn't know how harmful he was being - he just knew what he was feeling.

It was at this point when he met Ruby. (Age 17) She was a demon, someone before he would have been trained to hate - but she had a viewpoint on the world that he had seen so easily in other humans, and she also remembered what it was like to be human and not do it in an excess pushing near death. She showed him how to enjoy the time he had been given, how to see what it was to make these choices - to have them for himself. She showed him that his test might not be over and that he should enjoy the world that had been given to the humans, since he was a human now.

For almost a year he traveled with her. Popping in on Dean from time to time, just to make sure things weren’t going too far astray, but not feeling that pull of responsibility - because it was HIS choice to check in on Dean or not. At some point during that year he settled back in New Mexico - where his vessel was actually raised. He returned “home” to his vessel’s mother who was sick and dying. He apologized to the woman and tried to understand what it felt like to lose someone. While he tended to her care he even tried high school, but since he actually knew most of the history of the world it wasn’t a challenge for him. He did enjoy his time trying to learn about the students and the choices they made. Which meant his grades tanked and he eventually just dropped out. When his vessel's mother passed he was legally 18 and deemed an adult by the courts. The family home was given to him in her will and he just stayed put.

Ruby came and went through the years, but he simply was content to wait out whatever might transpire. He was actually comfortable living as a human now and enjoyed all the pleasures that could come from that. He had friends and not all of them used him for his drugs.

He’s still living in New Mexico (Age 20) and just enjoying whatever life throws him. One of those things would be prom coming up, which he really wants to go to. So, he’s made the choice and he’s going to go. With Ruby.


He woke up at noon with a sudden intake of air being rushed into his lungs. One would think he would've gotten used to breathing all of these years but sometimes, his sleep is so deep, he just forgets. The snorting laugh from across the room draws a look of curiosity from him as he opens one eye.

" it?"

"Don't you mean who?"

"Sure. Yes." His eyes focus and he remembers where he fell asleep. "Jo. Hi. This is...?"

"The deck. You're outside and damn lucky that it's nice out."

Taking in a breath, he stretched his arm out over his head. It was still quite amazing how that simple motion of pulling muscles taut could give him that much relief, "Yeah, about that. What day is it?"

"Friday and if you start in on the Rebecca Black? I'll go grab my mom's shotgun and shoot you."

He let out a chuckle, the laugh itself breaking him from his stretching, "You are a pistol." He glanced down and was relieved that he still had pants on. Sometimes one never knew. His hand rubbed down the thigh of his cargo pants, moving to lean more against the side of the house, "Did you make me breakfast?"

Jo laughed at him, "There is a box of cereal in the cabinet. Help yourself. Do I need to call Harry to come get you?"

"No. No, he's got some... thing with Norman." Jo made a face and Cas had to grin. "Okay. Cereal time." Getting up he shuffled toward the sliding door and lifted his foot up, "...I did have shoes when I got here, right?"

"By the tree. Don't ask me why - I don't know."

"Got it." He jogged over to the tree and pulled them off the low branch before moving back into the house and to the kitchen. Opening every single cabinet door he finally found the one with the cereal and grinned, "Oooh. Multi-Grain. Tasty and healthy."

He could hear Jo let out a laugh and he could only respond by shouting toward her, "Hey. I actually do care what I put into this body." Then as he shoved his hand into the box, he mused to himself, "It's the only one I get this time."


Dear Mun :

Limo BackSeat:
with Buffy: