May 11, 2008 22:55
I managed to find Poo and bring him with me to go see Ness.
It was nice. Being together and all. After Ness dissappeared, we were so worried. Now I know everything.
Thank you sooo much for letting us stay with you, Ness. Your psychic powers are nothing for me to be afraid of anyway! Not saying you suck, Ness. I'm telling you I'm used to your abilities and I know when to react when something's going wrong. I acted as your advisor when they were first awakening, remember?
I feel good now. But this church creeps me the hell out. Oh well. Better than a pit in the woods with weird dinosaurs licking your ears.
And... I noticed everyone else is dedicating a small portion of their posts to it, but today is Mother's Day. I would send my mom a message via PSI, but right now, I just can't do that. I love you, Mom. Keep dad out of trouble. You're the best.