Tis 7.06 a.m. in my country my little sex bunnies,Sleep as usual has fled into a corner and is currently curled ina fetal position.
The little coward.
In one hand I hold a cup of moccha java expresso latte venti grande coffee thingy and in the other I hold a baguette.
I know its a risky move after
The Pigeon Incident but Im sure the birds and the united nations have forgiven me.
I hope.
So here I sit,and watch the pixels burn out on my monitor.
It is fun,like swallowing bleach,alot more painful and alot less practical.
Now there's a thought.If I were a squirrel,how many nuts do you think I would be able to fit in my mouth?
Now you would be thinking,the boy is MAD,squirrels dont eat testicles.
But I would beg to differ,the man that lives in my head told me that he lost his testicular parts in the Great Squirrel War of 1976.
And I vouch for his crediblity.Only a genius would be able to shrink himself to fir inside the human skull.
Now where was I....
Thats right,I was in Guatemala