Okay, so my husband and I were hanging out late last night and I had to use the bathroom real bad. After flushing and cleaning up I did my usual double check to make sure everything flushed down. Its common courtesy, you know? So I noticed there was something in there, what could it be? a leaf? a dirty spot that we keep missing so it just got dirtier, BM that wouldnt flush? No...much worse...it had eyes...
It was a frog. And not a tiny little one that I can just flush back down the toilet. It was a palm sized slimy frog. So I screamed and ran out of the bathroom after I realized I wasnt hallucinating and told my husband to please get rid of it. And like a good husband he caught it and put it outside.
Now, I have no issues with frogs, I love frogs, frogs are awesome. But I dont like them sitting on the inside of my toilet bowl after ive used it. Just one of those hang-ups I have.
How does a frog that big get into the toilet? Now Im afraid to use the bathroom :(
I do kinda miss the frog and I hope its okay. Maybe we could have kept it as a pet and put him in a nice aquarium instead of, you know, my toilet. And I think I would have given him a nice little devotee name and fed him yummy roaches, they do eat roaches, right? Because we have lots of them. And we chant Hare Krishna to them before they die, so would that be maha for the frog?
Anyway I posted to my other blog, I made two posts, one is about
sankirtan and Srila Prabhupada and the other will make you realize that
Im completely made of evil with an occasional devotional thought. Enjoy y'all!