Feb 25, 2011 12:30
Judging by this horrible fever, I believe that I have come down with something.
Thus, class is cancelled until further notice (though do not think that the reading is still not due, darlings).
V pokoji je spinning. Myslím, že bych měl jít zpátky do postele, než jsem zvracet.
(OOC: Still getting my ass handed to me by school, so my activity will continue to be low until, say, next Thursday. Unless I manage to finish the last four pages of my research paper today, I should be on later tonight -- but I have a brunch to go to tomorrow morning, so I'll need to go to sleep early. Just like I've been doing all week, a-ahahaha. Though this weekend will once again consist of finishing one entire book, half of a novel, and starting on my five page history book review. I'll write something for Emi later. /foams at mouth)
immune system failure,
post type: blog,
down with the sickness