Sep 12, 2004 12:47
I'm so weird. Honestly. Last week I was sad. This week I'm happy. I love Cross Country. I hate running. I think that's what makes me weird. ;D The team is so nice. All of the guys..okay, most of them..are good looking. And ALL of them are incredibly sweet. In two weeks, we're having an overnight relay. Which sleepover. Muaha. You know what else? Yesterday was the Ed Sias invitational. I beat last week's meet time. At our own Monte Vista invitational, I ran a two-mile race in 22:18. Which I thought was good. But then, yesterday, at the Ed Sias, I ran a two and a half mile race in 18:39. I officially eat, sleep, and live running. But the only thing I love about it is the team. I'm glad I get to be with them every day. All of my best friends are sophomores, too. Everyone tells me I'm too mature for my age. I guess it's true. Maybe that's why I get along better with upper-classmen. ;D But. Anyway. I can run a six-minute mile now. Congratulate me? And. I'm smiling right now. ^_^