It is pure Potter mania. What else can you say when you get to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix twice over the weekend gone by. The book was a bit boring, but the movie was interesting. Till now the only Harry Potter movies I have enjoyed are The Philosopher’s Stone and Order of the Phoenix. Yes, I liked Goblet of Fire for Viktor Krum, and that is all.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final book releases on Saturday. I am looking forward to it, but am also sad that there won’t be any more Harry Potter books to look forward to. As a friend said, "I need to accept that there will be no more Harry Potter books to look forward to, so I shall start reading the Philosopher's Stone again." I shall wake up at 5 and reach the nearest book store by 5:30 so that I can buy the book early in the morning. I will stand in the line, shove the irritating kids out of my way and lay my hands on a copy of the book. I will call my friends at the exact time I have the book in my hand! Muaaaahaaaa. This is despite the fact that the book has been pre-ordered at least three months ago. I will not wait till Monday to get the book. I am unsure if I should read the book at a slower pace or compete reading it in one day. 785 pages of Potter. *sighs*.
J is very amused by all this. He has agreed to take me to the bookstore in the morning. He is such a sweetheart.
Season 3 of LOST reaching me soon, I also have to watch that. It is going to be a packed weekend and I am actually looking forward to it! Thanks
Catch up with friends on Sunday. Hard Rock Café, here I am!