The One About My Unhealthy Bank Balance

Oct 29, 2008 19:40

So its nearly 8pm and I am still at university. Well my class finished an hour ago but my sister, whom I have, to my suprise, gotten addicted to RKAB, insists on staying so she can download some episodes since uni has speedy connection haha...Thats my family! Putting internet and entertainment before anything else haha..

Well so I am bored out of my brains. First because I am tired. Second because I don't have any material to make notes on the subjects that I NEED to make notes on and thirdly because I was suprisingly up to date with subjects today in tutorial even though my last 72 hrs have been spent on staring at Kapil Nirmal (am I pathetic or what!!) But yeah so I was impressed with my brain today which understood everything in stats despite not having even looks at the questions or have paid attention in last week's lecture and I understood heaps in Legal Concepts even though I didn't prepare answers to tutorial questions prior to the tutorial. Hmm...Don't worry I won't get carried away and will ACTUALLY and PROPERLY study haha...

Then I decided to check my bank balance online and now I am super depressed. You see there was time in this semester when I was overloaded with crazy and ugly assesments of all shapes and sizes and it was then that I thought I deserved whatever I liked and hence went crazy everytime I was on EBAY or in the mall. Yes the biggest weakness and stereotype of females has been proven right be me who usually wants to banish anyone who speak of these! Shame on me!

Anyways so I am trying to keep my hopes up and say that once holidays will come I will work more, sleep more and thus spend less haha..sounds like a great equation aye! Oh and EBay is so getting banned on my laptop haha...

Well I was bored and felt like blogging but it seems that is all I have to say. Don't really want to waffle on about RKAB and NB4 which is basically taking over my life, pathetic again! So yes I will stop confirming all your suspicions about my serious need for therapy haha..


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