One hundred, not out.

Mar 23, 2010 01:19

It's been three years, two months and twenty two days now since I started out with a 'Hello World! first post on LiveJournal and today, I post my 100th entry.
(takes a bow)
I dedicate this century (the only kind of century somebody like I can attain! :D ) to all the readers of my blog without whose support and encouragement this blog would have long ceased to have a special meaning.

These three years, two months and twenty two days have brought to my life quite a few challenges, many happy moments, a great many more less than memorable moments, trials and tribulations, and my presence on Lj too has waxed and waned over the same period.

Over this period, I struggled through my 'Full time post graduate diploma in Advanced Software Technology' aka FPGDST at NCST, made many good friends, lost all contact and also any hopes of any renewed contact with a couple of friends, penned poetry, landed my first real IT job at C-DAC Pune, experienced work related highs and lows, lost a couple of relatives and acquaintances to death, wrote my own obituary just in case, became an uncle for the second time with the birth of my lovely nephew Vaibhav, watched several brilliant movies and several more crassy ones, fell in love and also out of it, started positively treading the matrimonial waters by surviving many scary encounters called matrimonial alliances, gained weight alarmingly and also went on to lose most of it.. the list is a long one.

The highs have been really high and the lows have been quite dreadful, but I have made it thus far and have even gone on to blog about several of my experiences and many realizations and epiphanies ( many of them alcohol induced!), sought for prayers for loved ones in need and offered prayers for those in need, shared my joys and sorrows and also partook in that of my friends, all thanks to Lj. It has been a greatly enjoyable and humbling experience so far.

It's really nice to see that over this time, this blog itself has come a long way from the initial days when I used to ask myself why I even bother to post when I'm the only person likely to see it, to now, when I have you reading it. You readers are the ones who motivate me to write and share more and it's a great feeling, so, here's a big thank you to all those of you who have been really kind with your thoughts and words.
(waves out to all of you)

Ironically, this post is coming in the middle of a period of pain that is still hurting me like crazy but just the thought of all you folks being right around makes me feel a lot better. I have been through a lot of shi**y times and I guess I will survive this one too.. Looking forward to better times and also looking forward to posting more and reading more.
Love you all.

Post from mobile portal

100th post, lj

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