Oct 01, 2007 20:58
Well i'm chilling at Starbucks drinking 2pumps Vanilla doppio espresso, checking email, online homework assignment and LJ. Realizing that I'm not accomplishing one damn thing I set to do this evening. So whatever. I had to come home early so that the handy man can come over to do some repairs in the apartment. So whatever I'm bumming it out doing the coffee house thang! I had a little slip this weekend I went to visit Shante and I think that was a mistake on my part. Fool me once shame on her fool me twice shame on me, rule totally applied to me I should have known better than to put myself in that situation to get hurt. But I'm still not over the relationship. Love is not a switch you can turn off even if it is love that is not healthy. So I'm sitting back and really evaluating the situation to the fullest.
I'm headed home to Miami for thanksgiving weekend and I can not wait, I need a little R+R with the family down home and my lovely princess.
Well...i'm signing off...