Feb 04, 2009 09:43
[F enters. J is already there laying on a couch mumbling obscenities to himself. As F enters he takes notice and slowly gets up and smiles.]
J: Well, well, well!
F: Well... let me guess....
J: No, your guesses are always wrong.
F: Three shots of...
J: [interrupting] NO!
F: Four shots...
J: [interrupting again] NO! NO!
F: Fiv-
J: [interrupting again, furious] NO! NO! NO!
F: Okay, okay. Take it easy.
J: The only "shots" that have been taken around here is four... [counts on his fingers] well, five... [looks at the shot glass on the table, already filled with a substance, and chokes it down] six... to my heart [cackles].
F: How poetic...
J: [building momentum] Isn't it though?
F: Here it comes...
J: Do you believe in fate?
F: [sighs. Takes off his coat, shoes, etc. F is making himself comfortable because he knows it's gonna be one of "those nights." As F begins to relax on a sofa chair near J, J grins in satisfaction, knowing he's going to get all the attention of the night.]
F: [slowly] No... why would I?
J: Because isn't it by fate that we are here in this moment, you talking to me, stabilizing my insanity?
F: Um...I always get off of work at 8.
J: Yeah, but...
F: and you knew that so you probably took a few shots--
J: [yelling] I didn't have any shots!
F: Right, right. Only metaphysical ones... to the heart [rolls eyes]...
J: [sadly] I did... I did...
F: [quite obviously] Doesn't it seem pretty coincidental that I would come to my own apartment, shortly after the time I get off work?
J: Okay, maybe a bad example....
F: Yeah, dude, we got choices.
J: Really? Even if you get sick and die before that one special event?
F: [confused] What?
J: You know like... say you are going to get married, and then the night before the wedding you get sick.
F: So?
J: Like really, really sick. Like you're going to die sick.
F: [leans into the couch bored] What is the point of all this?
J: The doctor tells you, "F, you have one month to live, I'm really sorry..."
F: [forcefully] Well, that would be...rather tragic...
J: ...and now here's for hypothetical. What if you were induced into a coma as a result of the illness.
F: [sarcastically] I love the "What if..." game.
J: ...but here's the kicker. You wake up a few months later, not dead! And you find out that your future-to-be-wife left you as soon as you were in a coma!
F: [silent]
J: [continuing to make up a story] ...and that she had been cheating on you with Billy Bob Thorton for years [laughs and pours himself another whiskey shot]... [screaming and laughing] How's that for fate?
F: [trying to take the glassware away] Seriously, dude. Give me that bottle.
[A small struggle occurs. J and F play tug-o-war with the Jack Daniels, and suddenly F overpowers J. J laughs.]
J: Oh, what would my life be without you?
F: [breathlessly] Same question for you...
J: [suddenly] Have you ever read "A Streetcar Named Desire?"
F: [brief pause at the sudden change of topic]....Yeah, but I saw it in theaters...
J: Oh? I never make it out to the theaters....
F: I don't imagine you would.
J: [wonderingly] Who would be my date?
F: [unable to resist] Your mom.
J: [pretends to laugh]: HAHAHA! HAHA! Ha.... funny. [pretends to wipe tears out of his eyes] Man...shit....
F: [yawns] I think I'm going to go to bed.
J: The hell you are! You gotta here why I mentioned Streetcar!
F: I'd rather not...
J: [pause, looks away from F, and continues speaking] I kinda hate the play. You know Blanche and Mitch? I realized that anybody you meet in life is either Blanche or Mitch. If you're Blanche, you have a "disgusting boy" that you once loved, whom you truly loved, and that you can never have again. The "disgusting boy," as you remember, dies. And as for both Mitch and Blanche, they both have the "desire" [J giggles at the pun] to love someone, and that's why they try loving each other. It fails miserably though, because even though they both have the same want, they wouldn't be getting what they truly need. That's why Williams makes them have that boring conversation about Mitch working out. Haha, I remember when I watched it on the television. John Goodman played the part of Mitch! To make me feel better, I just pretended that he had "Roseanne" to go home to. Remember from that popular television series?
F: Yeah...
J: [silent]
F: [continuing] I don't know what to say.
J: [pause] I don't either. I'm going to go to sleep.
F: Me too.
[J and F both exit going to their individual rooms. The whiskey bottle is the last thing lit up before the curtains close.]