Sigh, I've been watching the videos on the American Idol website. All I can say is, "wow". Adam is so, so, so incredibly talented; he's already a star. He sings like a rock star who has a 20-year career behind him and puts up a heck of a stage show. I'm totally mesemerised when I watch him. I want a poster of him on my wall! And I don't care if he's gay or not, in my opinion he's super-duper hot. Actually, I've never understood why so few straight men dare to dress flashily or use makeup (eyeliner=sizzling hottttttt!!!).
And looks like Adam has got quite a few people under his spell, too. There's
a great article in RollingStone magazine, here's an excerpt:
For the past few seasons, Idol seemed to be dying of boredom, but Adam Lambert, a goth studlet with mascara, black nail polish and a falsetto from deep in the larynx of Lucifer, has single-handedly rescued the franchise. He can do sincerity and ridiculosity all at once, exactly the algorithm Idol has been striving for all these years. Lambert combines the different Idol archetypes, delivering the complete star thrill heretofore doled out one sliver at a time. He has the burning “say my name, bitch” thing of Chris Daughtry, the cutthroat vanity of a Carrie Underwood, but also that innocent desire to give pleasure à la Kelly Clarkson.
This is exactly what I've thought. Many of the recent years' contestants have appeared so bland to me, the same smiling, clean-cut boys and girls. But Adam is different, and I'm thrilled to be able to follow his career from now on. Whether he wins or not, he'll have a fabulous career ahead of him, that's for sure - after all, he's not easy to forget! :-)