Mmmkay, may I add some more squees to the queue? Spoiler warnings for HBP.
Firstly, this. I mean, come on, can cuteness like this really exist?
The HBP movie - Ron poisoning scene:
Lavender bursts in, cries about her Won-Won, sees Hermione, is indignant and angrily wonders why she's there. Hermione retorts back and says she should be asking the same thing. Ron begins to startle and Lavender rushes to his side, holds his hand, and exclaim that he knows it's because she's there. Ron begins to mumble and eventually says, "Her-Mion-Ne." Lavender looks angry/hurt and runs out of the room and Hermione looks triumphant. Dumbledore comments something along the likes of, "Ah, the pangs of being a teenager in love." McGonagall gives a look, I think Snape rolls his eyes, lol. They start out of the infirmary wing and Harry is the last to leave, he looks back and Hermione is holding Ron's hand (still unconscious) and leaning over his bed. She looks up at Harry and says, "Oh, shut up."
Thank you, Yates, thank you!
Secondly, this. I mean, come on, can hunkiness like this really exist?
That is all. I had way too much pasta, so now I must go lie down and swear I'll never eat again.