Feb 23, 2009 00:22
my pastor calls this. I am ready to be unashamed of Your gospel. Dear God, I want to always have your word in mind, and constantly be reminded of It. Lord, I yearn for your compassion...and I want to be able to spread it to those around me. Help me, God, help me to stay commited to doing Your will and living the life You want me to live. Help me to trust in You. Most of all, help me to never leave You...I know I will fail. I KNOW I will cheat on you...because I'm an unfaithful wife, but Lord...I pray that I can cheat just a little less, because of the "bit more" I've fallen in love with You. I may never march in the infantry *marches*, ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery; I may never FLY over the enemies, but I'm in the Lord's army; YES SIR! =D I really am. I am ready. I will pray. I will study Your word. I will listen. I will march. I will run and not grow weary; walk and not grow faint, for You are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (the boring? =P), I will fear no evil. For if You are for me, who then can be against me? I will not let anyone look down on me, but rather I WILL set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. I will...but I can only will all of this with Your help. Lord, I want to be a yummy sample, especially to those who haven't walked towards the "Jesus" sample stand, if I may call it that. Although it IS hard, and I WILL hit inconveniences, or blocks in my path. I WILL CONTINUE RUNNING AND TREKKING THIS PATH WITH YOU, for You are worthy of praise. Only You deserve it. Praise be to You forever and ever, even when the sun is shining, even when the rain is pouring, may the glory and the honor and the power and the praise be Yours for eternity.
I know these are just words, but these are also sincere words from a broken heart, a heart which once lost contact with You, which once (and will again) turn to other things for satisfaction in life. I pray that I can live these words; I pray that these are not JUST words. Help me, Lord. I call for You to guide me ...and yes, I surrender ...this is hard to say, because, honestly, I'm still unsure what it means to surrender--or what it looks like to surrender, but Lord, I want no more of this for myself. It's all for You. and this is just The Beginning of an amazing journey. I entrust my life in Your hands.
GOD IS GOOD. ALL THE TIME. Praise ye the Lord.